神的经纶 请我们先祷告 | 主,我们从深处等候你对我们说末后的话,但愿我们在这里,不是光有兴奋,乃是有向着你的雄心大志,不是为着我们自己,乃是为着你永远的经纶! | | 神永远的经纶,乃是要使人在生命、性情上, | | 但不在神格上,与祂一模一样, | | 并使祂自己与人成为一,使人与祂成为一, | | 因而使祂在彰显上得以扩大并扩展, | | 使祂一切神圣的属性得以彰显在人性美德里。 | 今日经节及注解: 提前六1~21 | 重点经节 | | 也不可注意虚构无稽之事,和无穷的家谱;这等事只引起辩论,对于神在信仰里的经纶并无助益。 为着时期满足时的经纶,要将万有,无论是在诸天之上的,或是在地上的,都在基督里归一于一个元首之下。 并将那历世历代隐藏在创造万有之神里的奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人召明。 | 生命供应 | 神的经纶就是祂的家庭经营。按照圣经,神不是先要得着国,乃是先要得着家,得着家人。一旦祂有了家人,祂的家人会自然而然成为祂的国。祂若不能得着家人,家庭,家,就不能得着国。因此,神的经纶首先是祂的家庭经营的事。 神的经纶就是祂的家庭行政,要在基督里将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,使祂得着一个家彰显祂自己,这家就是召会,基督的身体。(提摩太前书生命读经,一五页。) [神的经纶也是]指管家职分、分配或行政。在保罗时代,许多富有的家庭都有管家,他们的责任是把食物和其他的必需品分配给家中的人。我们的父有一个大家庭,一个神圣的家庭。我们的父既有这么广大的丰富,祂的家中就需要有许多管家,将祂的丰富分赐给祂的儿女。这个分赐就是管家的职分。因此,管家职分就是一种分赐。这辞在这里不是指世代,或神对待人的方式,乃是指神将祂的丰富分赐到祂所拣选的人里面。这个分赐就是管家职分,有神的执事分赐的职事。这个分赐的职事也是神的行政管理。今天,神是借着将祂自己分赐到我们里面来管理。这个管家的职分,这个分赐,这个行政,就是神的经纶。在神新约的经纶里,迫切需要恩典的管家职分。 我们对传福音的观念需要提高。我们不该只注意得人;我们传福音,应当是借着将神分赐到人里面,而执行神的经纶。你去读书或作事,目的乃是照神为着祂的分赐而有的经纶,执行你的管家职分。我们不是作普通传福音的工作,我们乃是把神分赐到人里面。这是何等荣耀的职事!何等奇妙的管家职分!赞美主,我们都有这样的管家职分!我们都有权利将基督那追测不尽的丰富分赐到别人里面!(以弗所书生命读经,二九一至二九二,二九七页。) | 问答: | 1、 什么是神的经纶?(参读 提前一4注4。) 2、 为何神的经纶是在信仰里的?(参读 提前一4注3。) 3、 请说明“神愿意万人得救并且完全认识真理?(参读 提前二4注2) | 本周恢复本圣经追求小组(RSG)预告 | 时间: | 地点: | 联系人: | 联系电话: | Let's Pray: | O Lord, from deep within we are waiting for You to speak to us. May we here have not only excitement but also a great purpose of heart toward You, for Your eternal economy. | | God has called us for His purpose, His economy so glorious, For which He was fully processed; Consummated now is He! As the Spirit, He indwells us; As our God alloted portion, Working out His full salvation, Making us the same as He is. Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of The Lord's economy direct my heart, And burn in me until my spirit's wholly set afire! With spirit strong and active we'll press on To consummate God's goal— New Jerusalem, Hallelujah! | Today's Verses and Footnotes: 1 Tim. 6:1-21 | Key Verse: | 1 Tim. 1:4 | Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God's economy, which is in faith. | Eph. 1:10 | Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him; | Eph. 3:9 | And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things, | Life Supply: | God’s dispensation is His household economy. According to the Bible, God does not first want to have a kingdom. Rather, He first wants a house, a family. Once He has a family, His family will spontaneously become His kingdom. If He is not able to secure a family, a household, a house, He will not be able to have a kingdom. Thus, God’s dispensation is first a matter of His household economy, or family economy. God’s dispensation is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people that He might have a house, a household, the church, the Body of Christ, to express Himself. ( Life-Study of 1 Timothy, pp. 11-12) According to ancient usage, oikonomia denoted a stewardship, a dispensation, or an administration. At the time of Paul, many rich families had stewards whose responsibility was to distribute food and other necessities to members of the household. Our Father has a great family, a divine household. Because our Father has such vast riches, there is the need in His household for many stewards to dispense these riches to His children. This dispensing is the stewardship. Hence, a stewardship is a dispensation. The word “dispensation” here does not denote an age or means by which God deals with people; it refers to God’s dispensing of His riches into His chosen ones. This dispensation is the stewardship with the dispensing ministry of the ministers of God. This ministry of dispensing is also God’s administration. Today God administrates by dispensing Himself into us. This stewardship, this dispensation, this administration, is God’s economy. In the New Testament economy of God there is the desperate need for the stewardship of grace. Our concept of preaching the gospel needs to be uplifted. We should not be concerned merely with winning souls. Rather, we should preach the gospel to carry out God’s economy by dispensing God into others. Go to school or to work for the purpose of carrying out your stewardship according to God’s economy for His dispensation. We are not doing an ordinary work of gospel preaching. We are dispensing God into man. What a glorious ministry! What a wonderful stewardship! Praise the Lord that we all have such a stewardship! We have the privilege of dispensing the unsearchable riches of Christ into others. (Life-Study of Ephesians, pp. 241-242, 246) | Questions: | | 2. Why is the economy of God in faith? (See 1 Tim. 1:4 note 4) | 3. Please explain the meaning of "(God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth”. (See 1 Tim. 2:4 note 2) | Tomorrow: A Spirit of Power and of Love and of Sobermindedness | Welcome to Our Recovery Version Bible Study Group This Week: | Time: | Place: | Person to Contact: | Telephone: | 操练自己以至于敬虔 |