終極完成的神與重生信徒之合併的第一方面,乃是父的家(約十四 2)。…父的家是由約翰二章十六至二十一節神的殿所豫表。…父的家乃是經過過程並終極完成的神,與蒙祂救贖、重生並變化的選民,所構成的一個神聖且屬人的 合併。父的家不只是一個構成,乃是一個合併。…在十四章二節上半,主耶穌說,『在我父的家裏,有許多住處。』所有在基督裏的信徒,已經藉祂的血蒙了救贖, 由祂的靈所重生而有了祂的生命,並爲賜生命的靈所變化而有了神聖的元素,都是父家裏的『住處』。在我們的家裏有許多房間。我們旣是在基督裏的信徒和基督身 體的肢體,就都是父家裏的房間、住處(基督爲父用神聖的榮耀所榮耀的結果,三二至三三頁)。
這父的家乃是藉着父和子同着內住蒙救贖之選民的那靈,不斷的眷臨蒙救贖的選民而得以建造起來,成爲終極完成之三一神與祂所救贖之選民相互的居所。在約翰十 四章二十三節,主耶穌說,『人若愛我,就必遵守我的話,我父也必愛他,並且我們要到他那裏去,同他安排住處。』二節告訴我們,在父的家裏有許多住處,在二 十三節我們看見這些住處是藉着父和子眷臨愛祂的人而得以建造起來的。二十三節沒有明說那靈,但其中含示了那靈,因爲那靈住在所有愛主耶穌之人重生的靈裏。
父家的目的,第一乃是使看不見且奧祕的三一神,在地上人間,有一個看得見且具體的顯現,就是召會(提前三 15~16)。
父家的目的也是要使永遠且有目的之三一神,得以完成祂永遠的經綸,終極完成祂永遠的目標新耶路撒冷,爲着祂永遠的擴展和彰顯。父的家就是神的居所,至終就 是新耶路撒冷;這是神永遠的目標,爲着祂永遠的擴展和彰顯(基督爲父用神聖的榮耀所榮耀的結果,三三至三四、三六頁)。
父的家是給祂居住( 約十四 2),這是指神聖的家庭,有神所生的兒女( 一 12~13),也是指伯特利(神的家),作爲豎立屬天梯子的地方,把天帶到地上,並把地聯於天(51)。父的家也是神的殿作神的家,就是在復活以前的基督 自己,並且祂藉着復活,憑着祂的信徒得了擴大(二 16~22)。不僅如此,父的家是一個由父和子所建造,給三一神和信徒居住的相互住處(十四23),終極完成於新耶路撒冷(啓二一)。那靈同父與子內住於 這住處,作三一神與祂變化過的選民相互的居所(約翰福音結晶讀經,一三四頁)。
John 14:2 "In My Father's house are many abodes; if it were not so, I
would have told you; for I go
to prepare a place for you."
20 "In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I
in you."
The first aspect of the incorporation of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers is the house of the Father (John 14:2)....The
Father's house was typified by the temple of God in 2:16-21....The Father's
house is a divine and human incorporation of the processed and consummated God
constituted with His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect. The
Father's house is not only a constitution—it is an incorporation....In 14:2a
the Lord Jesus said,"In My Father's house are many abodes." All the
believers in Christ, redeemed through His blood, regenerated with His life by
His Spirit, and transformed with the divine element by the life-giving Spirit,
are the"abodes" in the Father's house. In our houses we have rooms.
As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we all are rooms,
abodes, in the Father's house. (The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the
Father with the Divine Glory, pp. 32-33)
The Father's house is built up by the constant visitation to the
redeemed elect of the Father and the Son with the Spirit who indwells the
redeemed elect to be the mutual dwelling place of the consummated Triune God
and His redeemed elect. In John 14:23 the Lord Jesus said,"If anyone loves
Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him
and make an abode with him." Verse 2 tells us that in the Father's house
there are many abodes, and in verse 23 we see that these abodes are built up by
the Father and the Son's visitation to those who love Him. The Spirit is not
explicitly mentioned in verse 23 but rather is implied, for the Spirit dwells
in the regenerated spirit of all those who love the Lord Jesus.
In our daily life the Father and the Son often come to visit
us. We may be at home, at school, or at work, but wherever we may be the Father
and the Son come to visit us to do a building work in us, making an abode which
will be a mutual dwelling place for the Triune God and for us. This is the
building up of the Father's house through the constant visitation of the Triune
The purpose of the Father's house is first for the invisible
and mysterious Triune God to have a visible and solid manifestation—the
church—among men on the earth (1 Tim. 3:15-16).
Second, the purpose of the Father's house is for the
satisfaction and rest of the processed and consummated Triune God.
The purpose of the Father's house is also for the eternal
and purposeful Triune God to carry out His
eternal economy to consummate the New Jerusalem
as His eternal goal for His eternal expansion and expression.
The house of God, which is God's dwelling place, eventually
will be the New Jerusalem, God's eternal goal for His eternal expansion and
expression. (The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine
Glory, pp. 33, 35)
The Father's house for His dwelling (John 14:2) refers to
the divine family with the children born of God (1:12-13) and to Bethel (the
house of God) as the place for the heavenly ladder to bring heaven to earth and
join earth to heaven (1:51). The Father's house is also the temple of God as
the house of God, which was Christ Himself before His resurrection and was
enlarged with His believers through His resurrection (2:16-22). Furthermore, the
Father's house is a mutual abode for the Triune God and the believers built up
by the Father and the Son (14:23), consummating in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21).
The Spirit indwells this abode with the Father and the Son for the mutual
dwelling place of the Triune God and His transformed elect. (Crystallization-study of the Gospel of John, p. 112)
Further Reading: The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the
Father with the Divine Glory, chs. 4, 6; Crystallization-study of the Gospel of
John, msg. 11