生命的经历(二): 完全地实行交通
我们一旦得救,要想内里经历基督作生命, 就需要与弟兄姊妹有完全地实行交通. 正如林前一9说," 神是信实的,你们是为他所召,进入了他儿子我们主耶稣基督的交通。"
弗四25," 所以你们既已脱去谎言,各人就要与邻舍说实话,因为我们是互相为肢体。"
徒二42 "他们都坚定持续在使徒的教训和交通里,持续擘饼和祷告。"
约壹一4~5 :"我们写这些事,是要叫我们的喜乐得以满足。神就是光,在他里面毫无黑暗;这是我们从他所听见,现在又报给你们的信息。"
English Version
1 Cor. 1:9 "God is faithful,
through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
Eph. 4:25 "Therefore having put off the lie, speak truth each one with his
neighbor, for we are members one of another."
Acts 2:42 "And they
continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in
the breaking of bread and the prayers."
1 John 1:4-5 And these
things we write that our joy may be made full. And this is the message which we
have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no
darkness at all."
It is hard to
find many [believers] who are in the reality of fellowship. Positionally we all are in this fellowship,
but in our daily living, very few of us are in the reality of fellowship. We
may have the matter of fellowship in name, but we may not have it in
practicality. I have tried to practice this fellowship,
but I have to admit that I have not been completely successful in maintaining
this fellowship hour after hour throughout the day. When we are not in this
fellowship in a practical way, we are out of the Spirit, out of the Triune God,
and out of the divine life. (The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man,
p. 145)
Before we were
saved, we were sinners living in sin and dead in sin. We were not involved in
the fellowship of life. One day someone reported to us the eternal life (1 John
1:2), and we believed in the Lord Jesus. From that moment we were brought into
the divine fellowship. Two things are very striking about our initial experience
of the divine fellowship. First, it is difficult to find one person who
believed in the Lord directly by himself without the help of someone who
preached the gospel to him. Nearly everyone heard a report first and then
believed. Second, there is almost always a deep relationship between the one
who reported or preached the gospel and the one who received the report and got
Our vertical
fellowship with the Lord is affected by our horizontal fellowship with others.
If we do not have a proper relationship with those around us, it is difficult
to have a good fellowship with the Lord vertically. The reason for this is that
the divine fellowship is one fellowship. Each day we should be in the divine
fellowship, vertically and horizontally. Most of us may think that we daily
start this fellowship according to its vertical aspect, followed by its
horizontal aspect. Most of the time, however, this is not our
experience....If we have a quarrel with our wife, husband, or roommate in the
evening, we will find it difficult to start our vertical fellowship with the
Lord in the morning. We must maintain both the vertical and horizontal aspects
of the fellowship in order to be healthy spiritually.
In Ephesians 4:25
the word neighbor refers to the brothers and sisters.We must be right with our
fellow believers in order to be kept in the divine fellowship. In our
experience we often cannot have vertical fellowship with the Lord without first
having horizontal fellowship with other believers.
A saint who has a
proper living and who is victorious is one who is always in the divine
fellowship, vertically and horizontally, all day long. We must learn to
fellowship with the Lord more and we must also learn to fellowship with the
saints more. We must thank the Lord for those around us, and we
must endeavor to have fellowship with them. The brothers and sisters should
have thorough fellowship with one another, even concerning practical things
related to their daily living.
We may feel that
we should only fellowship with those around us about the messages we have read
or some other spiritual activity. Of course, our fellowship should include
this. However, our fellowship should also include many practical things. I have
discovered that the biggest shortage among us is fellowship. Our problem is
that we do not have the habit to fellowship, and many of us do not like to
fellowship. We must realize that when we fellowship, the Lord is involved. When
we turn away from fellowship or stop our fellowship with our fellow believers,
the Lord is kept away.
should try to have fellowship with our fellow believers as much as possible.
This divine fellowship not only corrects us; it also molds us and even
reconstitutes us. This fellowship brings the divine constituent into our
spiritual being, causing a change in our being. (The Triune God to Be Life to
the Tripartite Man, pp. 145-147)
Fellowship [in 1 John 1:3] indicates a putting away of private
interests and a joining with others for a certain common purpose. Hence, to
have fellowship with the apostles, to be in the fellowship of the apostles, and
to have fellowship with the Triune God in the apostles’ fellowship is to put
aside our private
interests and join with the apostles and the Triune God for the carrying out of
God’s purpose....Our participation in the apostles’ enjoyment of the Triune God
is our joining with them and with the Triune God for His divine purpose, which
is common to God, the apostles, and all the believers. (1 John 1:3, footnote 3)
The divine fellowship is the reality of living
in the Body of Christ. The Lord has been frustrated throughout the centuries
because of the lack of fellowship. In Revelation 22:20 the Lord Jesus said, “I
come quickly,” but it has been nearly two thousand years, and the Lord is still
not back. The
reason is that the believers are individualistic, independent, opinionated, and
The one thing which should rule us is the The
one thing which should rule us is the divine fellowship. We are restricted in
this fellowship. By being restricted in this fellowship, the Body of Christ is
kept in oneness, and the work of the ministry continues to go on. When we are
out of fellowship, everything is finished. The thing which makes everything
alive is fellowship. If we learn to fellowship, we will receive many benefits,
especially in the Lord’s work. (The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite
Man, pp. 147-148)
The fellowship of life is simply the flow of the
divine life....The proper way to experience Christ as life is to have this flow
within us....The way to know whether we are in the fellowship, living by
Christ, and experiencing Christ is simply to check whether there is a flow
within....If we do not have the flow or
if the flow is ebbing, we must cry out to the Lord and open to Him.
When you have the flow of life, you will have
joy....Christians, as a rule,must be joyful persons; they must be persons who
are full of joy at all times. Sometimes we are so full of joy that we feel we
will burst unless we shout “Hallelujah!” “Praise the Lord!” or
“Amen!”...Because we are so full of the current, flowing, and bubbling of the
divine life within us, instead of being quiet, we must shout and speak. You
will find that the more you express what is flowing within, the more the
fellowship of life will flow
within you.
If we take care of the flowing and
shining of life within us, we will have need of nothing else. Of course, we
will still need to pray, read the Scriptures,attend the meetings, and
fellowship with the saints. But we have to realize that all these proper
Christian activities are actually the result of the flowing and the shining. At
the same time, all these practices are the instruments,the means, by which we
experience more flowing and shining. The basic thing we must realize is that
the secret of living by Christ, living in Christ,and taking Christ as our life
is to always take care of the inward flowing and the inward shining. If you do
not have the inward flowing and shining, you must go to the Lord to deal with
Him and be dealt with by Him, for that is a strong indication that something is
wrong within. If all the saints among us
would take care of this matter day by day, what living, shining, and flowing
Christians we would be! Then whenever we come to the meetings, everyone would
come with something flowing and shining within their being. The enjoyment of
the fellowship of life and the light of life must be our day-by day and
moment-by-moment experience. (Experiencing Christ as the Inner Life, pp. 18-19,
Further Reading: The Mending Ministry of John, ch. 7; Experiencing
Christ as the Inner Life, ch. 2; The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite
Man, ch. 16
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