保罗的完成职事(十四 ): 内住的基督
读经:约十四 16 ~ 18、20,罗八 10,林后 7,西一 27,弗三 17 上
1 信 基 督 最 宝 贵 的 结 果, 就 是 把 他 接受到我们里面来─约一 12
~ 13,三15,罗八 10,林后十三 5,西一 27:
2 这虽是纯正奥秘的真理,却被多数基督徒所忽略。
3 基督已升上高天,但他也住在我们里面─三1,一 27:
4 一面他在天上作大祭司为我们代求,作我们的辩护者,执行神的经纶─来七
25 ~ 26,约壹二 1,罗八 34。
5 另一面他是那包罗万有的基督,住在我们里面─10 节。
6 基督在复活里,作为赐生命的灵住在信徒里面─约十四 16 ~ 18、20,林前
十五 45 下:
7 基督在地上时,是在门徒身外的保惠师,藉著他的死与复活,已经成了另一位保
惠师,就是实际的灵,在门徒里面─约十四 16 ~18、20。
8 基督的复活乃是他的变化形像,使他成为赐生命的灵,为要进到信徒里面─林前
十五 45下,约十四 17。
9 作为在我们里面的另一位保惠师,就是实际的灵,这位内住的基督是我们的生命,
我们的供应,也是我们的人位─西三 4,弗三 17 上。
10 神的福音乃是罗马书的主题,论到基督在他复活后,成了那灵活在信徒里面
─一 3 ~ 4,八 10:
11 罗马书启示基督已经复活,成了赐生命的灵;他不再只是我们身外的基督,现
今乃是我们里面的基督─9 ~ 10、34 节。
12 罗马书中的福音,乃是现今住在信徒里面,作他们主观救主者的福音─10 节。
13 内住的基督是基督徒生活的秘诀─西一 27,腓四 12:
14 我们所享受基督的救恩,最重要的一点,就是基督的内住─林后十三 5,腓一
19,二 12 ~ 13。
15 基督对我们是主观的;他不仅与我们相近,更在我们里面,在我们这人的深处。
16 基督在我们里面,这是圣经的心脏,也是我们全人的心脏─弗三 17 上。
17 内住的基督是瓦器里的宝贝─林后四 7:
18 神照在我们心里,带给我们一个宝贝,就是那是三一神的具体化身,作了我们
的生命和一切之荣耀的内住基督─6 节。
19 这宝贝,内住的基督,乃是基督徒生活神圣供应的源头─7 节。
20 我们若学习藉著观看基督眼中所标示的,享受他的同在,而接受他作我们的人
位,就会有一种甜美的感觉,觉得内住基督的宝贝─二 10,三 18,四 6 ~ 7。
21 我们敬拜在诸天之上登宝座的基督,但我们经历、享受并有分於我们灵里内
住的基督;我们非常主观的与他是一─西三 1,一 27,林前六 17:
22 住在我们灵里的基督,是我们荣耀的盼望;内住的基督要浸透我们全人,使我
们的身体改变形状,同形於他荣耀的身体─西三 4,腓三 21。
23 住在我们里面的基督,不是小的、有限的基督,乃是包罗万有、延展无限、居
首位的基督─西一 15 ~ 16、18 ~ 19。
24 我们需要被包罗万有、延展无限、居首位的基督注入、浸透、充满,直到我们
经历他是我们的一切─二 16 ~ 17,三 4、10 ~ 11。
25 内住的基督是我们的生命;基督在宇宙一面是延展无限的,但在我们的经历里,
他是我们的生命,是我们的所是─4 节。
26 我们需要让内住基督的平安,在我们心里作仲裁;基督的平安作仲裁,就是基
督在我们里面作工,好在我们身上施行管治,来作结论,下最后的决断─15 节。
27 我们需要让内住基督的话,丰丰富富的住在我们里面,好使他运用元首的权柄,
将他的丰富供应给我们─17 节,一 18,二 19。
28 保罗祷告,要我们得以加强到里面的人里,好使基督安家在我们心里─弗三
17 上:
29 我们的心是我们内里各部分的总和,也是我们里面之人的中心,以及有关我们
30 基督越多在我们里面扩展,就越多定居且安家在我们里面,占有、得著我们里
31 当基督安家在我们心里,他就成为我们,并使我们成为他─17 节上,加四 19,
腓一 21 上。
32 当基督扩展到我们心里,他就成了我们的人位;基督成为我们人位惟一的路,
乃是他安家在我们心里─弗三 17 上。
33 那位正安家在我们心里的基督,乃是无限无量、无法测量的基督─18 节。
34 当基督安家在我们心里,我们就被充满,成为神一切的丰满;神的丰满乃是基
督的身体将三一神彰显到极致,就是三一神团体彰显的终极总结─19 节。
35 真正的召会生活,乃是无限无量、无法测量的基督亲自安家在我们心里的结果;
召会的内容乃是我们所接受作为我们人位的基督,就是作到我们里面的基督─17 节
上,四 16。
THE COMPLETING MINISTRY OF PAUL - 2013 Memorial Day Conference
Message Three -The Indwelling Christ
Scripture Reading: John 14:16-18, 20; Rom. 8:10; 2 Cor. 4:7; Col. 1:27;
Eph. 3:17a Outline
1. The most precious result of our faith in Christ is that we receive Him
into us─John 1:12-13; 3:15; Rom. 8:10; 2 Cor. 13:5; Col. 1:27:
2. Although this is the pure and unadulterated yet mystical truth, it has
been neglected by most Christians.
3. Christ has ascended to heaven, but He is also dwelling in us─3:1; 1:27:
4. On the one hand, He is in heaven interceding for us as our great High
Priest, our Advocate, to carry out God’s economy─Heb. 7:25-26; 1 John 2:1;
Rom. 8:34.
5. On the other hand, He is the all-inclusive Christ dwelling in us─v. 10.
6. Christ dwells in the believers as the life-giving Spirit in resurrection─
John 14:16-18, 20; 1 Cor. 15:45b:
7. The Christ who was the Comforter outside the disciples while He was
on earth has become, through His death and resurrection, another Comforter,
the Spirit of reality, inside the disciples─John 14:16-18, 20.
8. Christ’s resurrection was His transfiguration into the life-giving Spirit
in order to enter into the believers─1 Cor. 15:45b; John 14:17.
9. As another Comforter, the Spirit of reality, inside of us,
the indwelling Christ is our life, our supply, and our person─Col. 3:4;
Eph. 3:17a.
10. The gospel of God, as the subject of the book of Romans,
concerns Christ as the Spirit living within the believers after His resurrection─
1:3-4; 8:10:
11. Romans reveals that Christ has resurrected and has become the life-giving
Spirit; He is no longer merely the Christ outside of us─He is now the Christ
within us─vv. 9-10, 34.
12. The gospel in Romans is the gospel of the One who is now indwelling
the believers as their subjective Savior─v. 10.
13. The indwelling Christ is the secret of the Christian life─Col. 1:27;
Phil. 4:12:
14. The most crucial point in our enjoyment of Christ’s salvation is the
indwelling Christ─2 Cor. 13:5; Phil. 1:19; 2:12-13.
15. Christ is subjective to us; He is not only near us but also within
us, in the depths of our being.
16. Christ in us is the heart of the Bible and the heart of our being─
Eph. 3:17a.
17. The indwelling Christ is the treasure in earthen vessels─2 Cor. 4:7:
18. God’s shining in our hearts brings into us a treasure, the indwelling
Christ of glory, who is the embodiment of the Triune God to be our life
and our everything─v. 6.
19. This treasure, the indwelling Christ, is the divine source of the supply
for the Christian life─v. 7.
20. If we learn to take Christ as our person by looking at the index of
His eyes and enjoying His presence, we will have a sweet sense of the preciousness
of the indwelling Christ─2:10; 3:18; 4:6-7.
21. We worship the enthroned Christ in the heavens, but we experience,
enjoy, and partake of the indwelling Christ in our spirit; we are
one with Him in a very subjective way─Col. 3:1; 1:27; 1 Cor. 6:17:
22. Christ, who dwells in our spirit, is our hope of glory; the indwelling
Christ will saturate our entire being so that our physical body may be transfigured
and conformed to the body of His glory─Col. 3:4; Phil. 3:21.
23. The Christ who indwells us is not a small, limited Christ but the all-inclusive,
extensive, preeminent Christ─Col. 1:15-16, 18-19.
24. We need to be infused, saturated, and permeated with the
all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent Christ until in our experience He is
everything to us─2:16-17; 3:4, 10-11.
25. The indwelling Christ is our life; universally, Christ is extensive,
but in our experience He is our life, our being─v. 4.Day 4
26. We need to allow the peace of the indwelling Christ to arbitrate in
our hearts; the arbitrating of the peace of Christ is Christ working within
us to exercise His rule over us, to speak the last word, and to make the
final decision─v. 15.
27. We need to let the word of the indwelling Christ dwell in us richly
so that He may exercise His headship and minister His riches to us─v. 17;
1:18; 2:19.
28. Paul prayed that we would be strengthened into the inner man so that
Christ may make His home in our hearts─Eph. 3:17a:
29. Our heart is the totality of our inward parts, the center of our inward
being, and our representative with regard to our inclination, affection,
delight, and desire; thus, when Christ makes His home in our hearts, He
controls our entire inward being and supplies and strengthens every inward
part with Himself.
30. The more Christ spreads within us, the more He settles down in us and
makes His home in us, occupying every part of our inner being, possessing
all these parts, and saturating them with Himself.
31. As Christ makes His home in our hearts, He becomes us and causes us
to become Him─v. 17a; Gal. 4:19; Phil. 1:21a.
32. When Christ spreads into our hearts, He becomes our person; the only
way for Christ to be our person is for Him to make His home in our hearts─
Eph. 3:17a.
33. The Christ who is making His home in our hearts is an unlimited, immeasurable
Christ─v. 18.
34. When Christ makes His home in our hearts, we will be filled unto all
the fullness of God; the fullness of God is the Body of Christ as the expression
of the Triune God to the uttermost, the ultimate consummation of the corporate
expression of the Triune God─v. 19.
35. The genuine church life is the issue of the unlimited and
immeasurable Christ personally making His home in our hearts; the content
of the church is the Christ whom we take as our person, the Christ who is
wrought into our being─v. 17a; 4:16.
- 未完待续
保罗的完成职事(十三 ): 基督与教会之极大的奥秘