Ever since we have dedicated ourselves & our whole family to the Lord in the New Jersey Training, I am fortunate enough to attend four or more RSG’s meetings each week. Through the home meetings and RSG practices during the last half a year, we have baptized 7 people into the Triune God, which are 3 brothers & 4 sisters. One of them is a bonus. He is the husband of a gospel friend visiting from out-of-state, just in time to get baptized. Before his wife (the gospel friend) was baptized, she already had opened her home for RSG meetings. As a result, she & her husband were baptized into the Name of the Lord on the same day in Last December! Praise the Lord. God is faithful! “Believe unto the Lord and you shall be saved, you and your household!” Another gospel friend came once to RSG for bible study, participated in one day of last year’s Labor Day Conference, and attended one home meeting. Just like that, she was born again on December 7 last year. (Then it was her husband’s turn.) He has been seeking for the (real God) for 18 years but without success! Now because of the released Word (in the Recovery), he has received a revelation and a vision. So on February 29, he was led to walk to the home meeting and requested to be baptized. (Through his seeking), finally, he was saved. (So, we have covered two couples.) Now, there was a gospel friend who had been around the denominations for a while seeking. But she found it was difficult to get into the Truth. By the leading of the Spirit of the Lord, she came to a church meeting. During the meeting on the following Lord’s Day, she was very touched. Eventually, she was baptized unto the Name of the Lord in last November. Then there was another lady who felt sick because of a cold. Yet by faith, she proclaimed that Christ is the Victor and was baptized in her own home. Then the 7th baptism: In last August, a gospel friend came from mainland China to UC Berkeley to pursue his graduate study. He was really attracted by the Truth. He came alone and took away three different versions of the Bibles home. On December 30, three rounds of phone calls were made concerning his request to be baptized. Finally, before the end of the year, he was baptized unto the Name of the Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! May all the glory be to you, Lord Jesus Christ!