啟二二3 ~5『…他的奴僕都要事奉他,也要見他的面;他的名字必在他們的額上。…他們要作王,直到永永遠遠。』
到了新約,這事更是明顯。新約中頭一位為神掌權的,就是主耶穌。他斥退病症,趕逐污鬼,並責令風海平靜,這些都是他掌權的故事。以後使徒們承接主的工作,也多有為神掌權,治病趕鬼的經歷。直到今天,這樣的事在教會中還是常常有的。等到將來在國度里,得勝者要先同主掌權,管治列國(啟二26 ~27)。最後到了永世,凡得救的人,都要作王掌權,直到永遠(二二5)。到那時候,我們就正正式式、豐豐滿滿的,享受了為神掌權的福分。這些都是給我們看見,從起初直到永遠,神有一個心意,就是要得着人在宇宙中為他掌權。他創造人,有一面的目的是為着這個;他救贖人,也有一面的用意更是為着這個。
Gen. 1:26 “And God said, Let Us make man in Our
image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all
the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”
Rev. 22:3-5 “...His slaves will serve Him; and they
will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads,...and they will
reign forever and ever.”
Simply speaking, to reign is to exercise
authority for God—to rule all things and in particular to deal with His enemy....In
the creation of man God had a twofold intent and desire. On one hand, God
wanted man to possess His image so that he may express God Himself. On the
other hand, God wanted man to represent Him with His authority in order to deal
with His enemy. Therefore, when God created man, on one hand, He created him in
His image and likeness so that man might be like Him. On the other hand, God
caused man to “have dominion...” (Gen. 1:26). This means that God gave man
authority so that he might reign for Him. (The Experience of Life, p. 345)
The Old Testament records many instances
of men reigning for God after Adam. Exodus 14 tells how God wanted Moses to
lift the rod and stretch it forth to divide the Red Sea. Joshua 10 tells how
Joshua prayed to God that the sun might stand still in the sky. First Kings 17
through 18 relates how
Elijah prayed to control the rainfall. Daniel 6 tells
how Daniel shut the lions’ mouths in the den. All these instances show us that
through the ages, as long as there are men willing to live for God, God desires
to grant them authority in order that all things might come under their
This matter is even more evident in the
New Testament. The first one in the New Testament who ruled for God was the
Lord Jesus. He commanded illness to recede (Matt. 8:8-9), cast out unclean
spirits (Mark 1:27), and rebuked and calmed the storm and the raging sea (Matt.
8:26-27). All these
incidents speak of His reigning. Later, when the
apostles continued the Lord’s works, they also had many experiences of reigning
for God by healing and casting out evil spirits (Acts 3:6-7; 14:8-10; 19:12;
16:18). To the present day, this kind of experience is often repeated in the
church. Then in the future and in the kingdom, the overcomers will reign with
Christ and rule the nations (Rev. 2:26-27). Finally, in eternity all those who
are saved will reign as kings forever and ever (22:5). At that time we will
truly and fully enjoy the blessing of reigning for God. All these instances
reveal that from the beginning until eternity, God’s one intention is that He
may gain man to reign for Him in the
universe. This was one aspect of God’s purpose in
creating man. Even more, this was one aspect of God’s intention in redeeming
Therefore, from the point of view of
authority, reigning is the final goal of God’s salvation. It is the summit of
our spiritual experience. As for God, had He not saved us to the extent that we
could reign for Him in the heavenly realm, the goal of His salvation would not
have been considered fully accomplished. Furthermore, although this matter of
reigning will not be completely realized until the coming of the kingdom and in
eternity, today God wants us to have a beginning on earth. As for us, if any
Christian has not yet reached the degree of reigning for God, he is not yet up
to standard.
A Christian who is up to standard has not only been
delivered from sin, overcome the world, had his flesh dealt with and his
natural constitution broken, been filled with the Holy Spirit, and is sitting
in the heavenly realm, but even more he is reigning with Christ in all things.
Whether in God’s work, in the church, at home, or in any encounter in his
environment, he can reign and rule over that which God wants him to rule. There
must be such people gained by God so that through them the authority of God can
be executed and the kingdom of God can come upon the earth. (The Experience of
Life, pp. 345-347)
Further Reading: The Experience of Life,
ch. 17
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