羅馬書頭四章給我們看見神完整救恩在法理救贖的一面,後十二章給我們看見神完整救恩在生機拯救的一面。我們是借着基督的死得着救贖,也是借着他的死得着稱 義,更是借着他的死得以與神和好;這些都是法理的一面。但是羅馬書給我們看見,神的救恩不光有法理的一面,更有生機的一面。這個生機的救恩,就是五章十節 所說,更要在他的生命里得救。今天我們乃是在這生機救恩的過程中,經過種種過程,叫我們在生命里得救。從一方面來說,我們都得救了,從另一方面來說,我們 還繼續在得救(經歷神生機的救恩等於在基督的生命中作王,四四頁)。
在生命中作王乃是對神生機救恩完滿的經歷。神完整的救恩是借着我們接受恩典與義;這完整救恩的結果,是使我們在生命中作王,這是神完整救恩的目標。羅馬五 章所說的在生命中作王,乃是打開該書其餘部分的鑰匙。我們需要在這光中,來看六至十六章的每一件事。這是以全新的方式解釋羅馬書。
當我們在生命中作王時,我們就被神的聖別性情所浸透、充滿,使我們在性情上得以聖別,並且我們調和的靈要擴展到我們的心思里,而更新我們的心思。當我們在 生命中作王時,我們就能被模成神長子的形像,並在我們一生之中,借着內住之靈的印塗而被榮化。當我們在生命中作王時,我們就在環境的艱難和苦難上得勝有 余,甚至向基督並向神忠信至死。我們也得着神的義,就是主觀的基督,且享受神的豐富。當我們接受洋溢之恩並洋溢之義的恩賜,而在生命中作 王時,我們就正確的呼求主的名。當我們在生命中作王時,我們就活與基督接枝的生命。如果我們不在生命中作王,我們就不能有分於這些過程;但如果我們在生命 中作王,我們就能在這一切事上有分,並且能構成基督得勝的新婦,作他的滿足、快樂和喜悅(羅馬書中神完整的救恩結晶讀經,三一至三二頁)。
我們借着在神聖的生命中作王,就在基督神聖的生命中得救,脫離各樣的不順從。在生命中得救,使我們像王一樣掌權。按照五章十七節,那些受洋溢之恩並洋溢之 義恩賜的人,就是那些得着稱義的人,要在生命中作王。一個得着稱義的人,應當作王,因為他有神聖的生命,王的生命,可憑以作王。…我們蒙基督救贖、罪得赦 免並蒙基督的血洗淨時,我們就得着稱義。不僅如此,我們蒙了神聖、屬靈、屬天、君王和君尊的生命所重生。因此,我們現今能像王一樣,在生命中掌權。
今天一般所傳揚的福音,不包括在生命中作王這件事。我們也許只聽過,我們是罪人,我們若相信主耶穌,神就要赦免我們;然後我們就蒙救贖並得重生,好得着神 聖的生命。這是對的,但按照保羅在羅馬書裡的話,還有更多。保羅告訴我們,我們因着一個生命得救,這生命不僅是神聖的,也是君尊的、君王的生命。這是能作 王的生命(五17)。我們已經接受了一個生命,這生命不僅賜給我們能力,使我們成為屬靈、屬天且神聖的,也賜給我們能力作王。在這生命里,我們管理一切消 極的事物(羅馬書中所啟示在基督的生命里得救,四至五頁)。
Rom. 5:10 “For if we, being enemies, were
reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in
His life, having been reconciled.”
17 “...Much
more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness
will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”
The first four chapters of Romans show
us the aspect of judicial redemption in God’s complete salvation; the remaining
twelve chapters show us the aspect of organic salvation in God’s complete
salvation. We were redeemed, justified, and reconciled to God through the death
of Christ. This
is on the judicial side. However, Romans shows us
that God’s salvation has not only the judicial aspect but also the organic
aspect. The organic salvation is referred to in 5:10....Today we are passing
through the processes of God’s organic salvation that we may be saved in His
life. On the one hand, we have been saved; on the other hand, we are still
being saved. (The Experience of God’s Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life,
p. 45)
Reigning in life is the full
experience of the organic salvation of God. God’s complete salvation is through
our receiving grace and righteousness, and this complete salvation issues in
our reigning in life as the goal of His complete salvation. Reigning in life in
Romans 5 is the key to open up the
rest of the book. We need to see everything in Romans
6 through 16 in this light. This is altogether a new way to interpret the book
of Romans.
When we are reigning in life, we are
being soaked and saturated with the holy nature of God for sanctification in
our disposition, and our mingled spirit spreads into our mind to renew our
mind. When we are reigning in life, we can be conformed to the image of God’s
firstborn Son and glorified through the sealing of the indwelling Spirit
throughout our entire life. When we are reigning in life, we more than conquer
the environmental hardships and sufferings, even being faithful to Christ and
to God unto death. We also gain the righteousness of God, which is the
subjective Christ, and we enjoy
the riches of God. It is when we receive the
abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness to reign in life that we
call on the Lord in a proper way. When we are reigning in life, we live a
grafted life with Christ. If we do not reign in life, we cannot participate in
these processes, but if we reign in life, we can be in all these things, and we
can be constituted Christ’s overcoming bride for His satisfaction, pleasure,
and delight. (Crystallization-study of the Complete Salvation of God in Romans,
p. 31)
We are saved in the divine life of
Christ, by reigning in the divine life, from all kinds of insubordination. To
be saved in life causes us to reign as kings. According to Romans 5:17, those
who receive the abundance of grace and the abundance of the gift of
righteousness, those who are justified, shall reign in life. A justified person
should reign because he has the divine life, a kingly life, with which to
reign....When we were redeemed by Christ, forgiven of our sins, and washed by
the blood of Christ, we were justified. In addition, we were regenerated with a
divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life. Thus, we are now able to
reign in life as kings.
The gospel which is commonly preached
today does not include the matter of reigning in life. We may have heard only
that we were sinners and that if we believed in the Lord Jesus, God would
forgive us; then we would be redeemed and regenerated in order to have the
divine life. This is right, but according to Paul’s word in Romans, there is
much more. Paul tells us that we were saved with a life which is not only
divine but also royal and kingly. It is a life which is able to reign (5:17).
We have received a life which not only gives us the ability to be spiritual,
heavenly, and divine, but also gives us the ability to reign. In this life we
reign over all the negative things. (To Be Saved in the Life of Christ as
Revealed in Romans, pp. 9-10)
Further Reading: The Experience of God’s
Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life, msg. 4;
Crystallization-study of the Complete Salvation of God in Romans, msg. 4
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