| 创世结晶006-神中心的思想_6 |
创二 11~12“第一道名叫比逊,就是环绕哈腓拉全地的,在那里有金子。并且那地的金子是好
启二一 18、21“墙是用碧玉造的,城是纯金的,如同明净的玻璃。…十二个门是十二颗珍珠,
金预表父神同他神圣的性情,那是人借著神的呼召得以有分的(彼后一 3~4),作为神永远建筑的基础;珍珠,一种树脂结成像珍珠的材料,预表子神在他救赎并释放生命之死(约十九 34),并他分赐生命之复活(十二 24,彼前一 3)中所产生的结果,作为神永远建筑的入口(参启二一 21 与注 1 一段);以及红玛瑙,一种宝石,预表灵神同他变化工作所产生的结果(林后三 18),为著
建造神永远的建筑。新耶路撒冷就是由金、珍珠和宝石这三类材料构成的(启二一 11、18~21)。在人里面神圣生命的涌流,将神圣的性情带到人里面(彼后一 4),使人重生(彼前一 3),将人变化成基督荣耀的形像(林后三 18)。因此,尘土所造的人(7),成为变化过的宝贵材料,为著神的建造,
终极完成于新耶路撒冷(圣经恢复本,创二 12 注 1)。
Gen. 2:11-12 "The name of the first [branch] is Pishon; it is the one that
goes around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the
gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there."
Rev. 21:18, 21 "And the building work of its wall was jasper; and the city
was pure gold, like clear glass."... "And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each
one of the gates was, respectively, of one pearl..."
The flow of the river issued in three precious materials: gold, bdellium, and onyx. These materials typify the Triune God as the basic elements of the structure of God's eternal building. Gold typifies God the Father with
His divine nature, which man may partake of through God's calling (2 Pet. 1:3-4), as the base of God's eternal building; bdellium, a pearl-like material produced from the resin of a tree, typifies the produce of God the Son in His redeeming and life-releasing death (John 19:34) and His life-dispensing resurrection (John 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:3), as the entry into God's eternal building
(cf. Rev. 21:21 and footnote 1, par. 1); and onyx, a precious stone, typifies the produce of God the Spirit with His transforming work (2 Cor. 3:18) for the building up of God's eternal building. The New Jerusalem is constructed of these three categories of materials—gold, pearl, and precious stones (Rev. 21:11, 18-21). See footnote 211, paragraph 2, in Revelation 21.The flowing of the divine life in man brings the divine nature into man (2 Pet. 1:4), regenerates man (1 Pet. 1:3), and transforms man into the glorious image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). Thus, man, who was created of dust (Gen. 2:7), becomes transformed precious materials for God's building, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem. (Gen. 2:12, footnote 1)
召会既是神的耕地,有栽种、浇灌、生长,就应当生产植物;但建造召会的正确材料却是金、银、宝石,这些都是矿物。因此,这里含示变化的意思。我们不仅需要在生命里长大,也需要在生命里变化(圣经恢复本,林前三 12 注 1,注 2)。
Gold, silver, and precious stones signify the various experiences of
Christ in the virtues and attributes of the Triune God. It is with these
that the apostles and all spiritual believers build the church on the unique
foundation of Christ. Gold may signify the divine nature of the Father with
all its attributes, silver may signify the redeeming Christ with all the
virtues and attributes of His person and work, and precious stones may signify the
transforming work of the Spirit with all its attributes. All these precious materials are the products of our participation in and enjoyment of Christ in our spirit through the Holy Spirit. Only these are good for God's building.
As God's cultivated land with planting, watering, and growing, the church should produce plants; but the proper materials for the building of the church are gold, silver, and precious stones, all of which are minerals. Hence, the thought of transformation is implied here. We need not only to grow in life but also to be transformed in life. (1 Cor. 3:12, footnote 2)
The church is a farm to grow Christ. Every item of the produce grown on the farm is Christ. The farm produce includes many different aspects of Christ. Christ is the milk, the vegetables, and the meat. The church grows Christ, and all the saints eat Christ. Eventually, through digestion, assimilation, and metabolism, Christ becomes us, and we become Him. Then we are the proper materials for the building.
I hope that all the saints in the Lord's recovery will see that we are God's farm to grow Christ and also God's building, His dwelling place. We need the genuine building. To have this building we must grow by having ourselves reduced and by having Christ increased within us. The result of this genuine growth and building is that we do not have preferences for any person,
matter, or thing. It also means that we do not have any choice of place.
We are happy simply to be members in the Lord's Body, growing in Christ. If this is our condition, then wherever we may be, we shall coordinate with all the saints, no matter whether they are kind or coarse. The real building is to have ourselves reduced and to have Christ increased until we arrive at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Life-study of 1 Corinthians,pp. 273, 269)
Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Corinthians, msgs. 30-31