| 象小孩子一樣接受神的國 |
| 象小孩子一樣接受神的國 路 18章17節 | 18:17 | 我實在告訴你們,凡不像1小孩子一樣接受神國的,絕不能進去。 | 18章17節 注1 | 小孩子沒有被老舊的觀念充滿並占有,很容易接受新思想。因此人必須像小孩子一樣,以不受霸占的心,將神的國當作新事物來接受。 | 請我們先禱告 | 哦,主耶穌,倒空我們。使我們靈里貧窮,好叫我們能接受新事物。我們認識不多;我們只認識一點點。主啊,赦免我們,赦免我們的頑梗! | 今日經節及註解 路十八9~43 | 重點經節: | | 我實在告訴你們,凡不象小孩子一樣接受神國的,絕不能進去。 | 填空(請用鼠標左鍵選擇空白處) | 小孩子沒有被老舊的(觀念)充滿並占有,很容易接受新思想。因此人必須像小孩子一樣,以不受(霸占)的心,將神的國當作(新)事物來接受。( 參路十八17注1) | Receiving the Kingdom of God like a Little Child | Let's Pray: | O Lord Jesus, empty us. Make us poor in our spirit that we might receive something new. We do not know much; we only know a little. Lord, forgive us for our stubbornness. | Today's Verses and Footnotes: Luke 18:9-43 | Key Verse: | Luke 18:17 | Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child shall by no means enter into it. | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks): | A little child, not filled with and occupied by old (concepts), can easily receive a new thought. Hence, people need to be like little children and, with an (unoccupied) heart, receive the kingdom of God as a (new) thing. (See Luke 18:17 note 1) | Tomorrow: The Father¡¯s Heart | |