| 主是复活,主是生命 |
| 主是复活,主是生命 约 11章27节 | 11:27 | 马大对祂说,主阿,是的;我1信你是基督,是神的儿子,就是那要来到世界的。 | 11章27节 注1 | 主对马大说,“我是复活,我是生命。”又问她,“你信这话么?”她回答说,“主阿,是的;我信你是基督,是神的儿子。”她所答的,并非主所问的。她为老旧、先入为主的知识所遮蔽,不能了解主新的话语。人的老知识、老意见,总是人洞晓主新启示的遮蔽。 | 请我们先祷告 | 主啊,求你开我们的眼睛,叫我们真正认识你,知道你怎样从单独的神经过了成肉身、过人生、钉十架、进入了复活,而成为终极完成的神! | 今日经节及注解: 约十一17~57 | 重点经节: | 约11:25 | 耶稣对她说,我是复活,我是生命;信入我的人,虽然死了,也必复活。 | 填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) | 伯大尼这筵宴之家,乃是(召会)生活的小影,描述出召会的光景:㈠由(复活)的生命所产生─(拉撒路);(约十一43~44;)㈡由蒙洁净的罪人所组成─(患麻风)的西门;(可十四3;)㈢外面是困苦的─(伯大尼);㈣里面是在主的同在中与主同筵;(约十二2;)㈤(姊妹)比弟兄多;(2~3;)㈥各有不同的功用:(服事)─马大,(作见证)─拉撒路,(爱主)─马利亚;(2~3;)㈦被虚假的人所玷污─(犹大);(4;)㈧受(宗教)的逼迫;(10;)㈨试验并暴露人;(6,10;)㈩带进许多(信徒)。(参约十二1注1) | The Lord Is the Resurrection and the Life | Let's Pray: | O Lord, we pray that we may really know You, how You as merely God were incarnated, lived a human life, were crucified, and entered into resurrection. | Today's Verses and Footnotes: John 11:17-57 | Key Verse: | John 11:25 | Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live. | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks): | Bethany, this house of feasting was a miniature of the church life and depicted the situation of the (church): (1) produced by the (resurrection) life ?(Lazarus) (11:43-44); (2) composed of cleansed sinners ?Simon the (leper) (Mark 14:3); (3) outwardly afflicted ?(Bethany); (4) inwardly feasting in and with the (presence) of the Lord (v. 2); (5) having more (sisters) than brothers (vv. 2-3); (6) having members with different functions: (serving) ?Martha, (testifying) ?Lazarus, and (loving) ?Mary (vv. 2-3); (7) spotted by the false one ?(Judas) (v. 4); (8) persecuted by (religion) (v. 10); (9) being a test and exposing people (vv. 6, 10); and (10) bringing in many (believers). (See John 12:1 note 1) | Tomorrow: The Propagation of the Divine Life | |