| 愿我们都作神福音勤奋的祭司 |
| 愿我们都作神福音勤奋的祭司 15章6节 注1 | 原文意,有同样的心思、意志和目的。这就是我们在全人里面是一,结果外面的说话也是一。当我们同心合意时,我们都用同一的口,说同样的话。这与巴别的光景相反。在巴别,由于人类的分裂,他们的语言被变乱,成为许多不同的言语。(创十一7,9。)要同心同口惟一的路,就是让基督在我们的心里和口中有地位作一切,使荣耀归与神。 | 15:4 | 从前所写的,都是为教训我们写的,使我们借着忍耐,并借着经书的1鼓励,可以得着盼望。 | 15:5 | 但愿那赐忍耐与鼓励的神,叫你们照着1基督耶稣,彼此思念相同的事, | 15:6 | 使你们1同心合意,用同一的口,荣耀我们主耶稣基督的神与父。 | 15:7 | 所以你们要彼此接纳,如同1基督接纳你们一样,使荣耀归与神。 | 请我们先祷告 | 主,我们再次宣告,你是主,你是主宰,你更是得胜者,我们在此跟随你,我们的口向你赞美,称颂你的名,到处见证你,诉说你,并且把你分给别人! | 今日经节及注解 罗十五1~24 | 重点经节: | 罗15:16 | 使我为外邦人作基督耶稣的仆役,作神福音勤奋的祭司,叫所献上的外邦人,在圣灵里得以圣别,可蒙悦纳。 | 填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) | 保罗作神福音的祭司,将基督供应给(外邦人),乃是对神一种祭司的(事奉);他传福音所得的外邦人,也是他献给神的(祭物)。借着这种祭司的(事奉),包括许多污秽不洁之人在内的外邦人,就在圣灵里得以圣别,成为蒙神悦纳的(祭物),而从凡俗的事物中(分别)出来,并被神的性质和元素(浸透),在地位和性质上都得以圣别。(参罗十五16注3) | Being a Laboring Priest of the Gospel of God | Let's Pray: | Lord, we declare once again that You are the Lord. We are here following You. We open our mouths to testify and speak of You everywhere, and to dispense You to others! | Today's Verses and Footnotes: Rom 15:1-24 | Key Verse: | | That I might be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, a laboring priest of the gospel of God, in order that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, having been sanctified in the Holy Spirit. | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) | Paul¡¯s being a priest of the gospel of God to minister Christ to the (Gentiles) was a priestly (service) to God, and the Gentiles whom he gained through his gospel preaching were an (offering) presented to God. By this priestly (service) many Gentiles, who were unclean and defiled, were sanctified in the Holy Spirit and became such an (offering), acceptable to God. They were set (apart) from things common and were (saturated) with God¡¯s nature and element, and were thus sanctified both positionally and dispositionally. (See Rom 15:16 note 3) | Tomorrow: The Ultimate Consummation of the Complete Salvation of the Gospel of God |