| 贱木接在珍树上 |
| 贱木接在珍树上 罗 12章2节 | 12:2 | 1不要模仿2这世代,反要借着心思的3更新而4变化,叫你们5验证何为神那美好、可喜悦、并纯全的6旨意。 | 12章2节 注4 | 变化是神工作内在、新陈代谢的过程,为将神的生命和性情,扩展到我们全人,特别到我们的魂里面,将基督和祂的丰富,带进我们全人各部分,作我们新的元素,而把我们老旧、天然的元素逐渐排除。结果,我们就变化成祂的形像,(林后三18,)就是模成神长子的形像,作祂的许多弟兄,(八29,)适合祂身体的建造。 我们将身体献上以后,还需要心思的更新。这心思的更新,是我们魂变化的基础,是我们的心思置于灵(八6)的结果。我们的心思是我们魂主要的部分,我们的心思既被更新,与心思同作魂其他部分的意志与情感,也自然随着更新。更新的意思是有新的素质加到我们里面,因而产生新陈代谢的变化,使我们适合基督身体的建造,就是召会生活的实行。十二至十六章内一切的美德及得胜,也都是这变化的结果。 要实现召会,就是基督身体的生活,需要我们的全人。因此,本章说到我们的身体,(1,)我们的魂,(2,)以及我们的灵。(11。)为着基督的身体,我们的身体必须献给神。 在六章是为着争战与事奉献上我们的肢体作义的兵器。(六13。)但在本章,乃是为着召会的生活将我们的身体献上当作活祭。这祭是活的,因为是复活而有生命的,不像旧约的祭是杀死的。这祭也是圣别的,因为在地位上,是基督的血,从世界和一切凡俗的人事物,分别出来归与神的;并且在性质上,也是圣灵用神的生命,和神圣别的性情,将天然的生命和旧造,为着神的满足,圣别而变化的,所以能讨神喜悦。
在原文,身体是复数,祭是单数。这表明我们所献上的,乃是许多身体,但我们所献成的,却是惟一的祭,这含示我们众人在基督身体里的事奉,不该是许多分开、各不相干、个别的事奉;我们一切的事奉,该是一个整体的事奉,且该是独一无二的,因为是基督一个身体的事奉。 意在敬拜中事奉神。见一9注2。在本章以前,除了使徒以外,没有提到信徒也有这样的事奉。这表明信徒的事奉乃是前面各章所描述之生命长大的结果,而且这事奉必须在召会─身体里,正如出埃及记与利未记中的预表,所描述的祭司体系对神的事奉,是在会幕建造以后才建立的。 | 请我们先祷告 | 主,你与我们成为一灵,在我们的说话中说话,使我们看见这生机的联结,又真又确的从这里释放出你话语的丰富,叫我们众人都得着供应! | | 天然景物都有隐征: | 麦种死了子粒生; | | 贱木接在珍树上面, | 小则变大,苦变甜。 | | 与基督同死,何等的安适! | 脱世界、自己、罪恶! | | 与基督同活,何等的超脱! | 祂生我里,供应我。 | 今日经节及注解: 罗十六17~27 | 重点经节 | | 不要模仿这世代,反要借着心思的更新而变化,叫你们验证何为神那美好、可喜悦、并纯全的旨意 。 若有几根枝子被折下来,你这野橄榄得在其中接上去,一同有分于橄榄根的肥汁。 但我们众人既然以没有帕子遮蔽的脸,好像镜子观看并返照主的荣光,就渐渐变化成为与祂同样的形像,从荣耀到荣耀,乃是从主灵变化成的。 | 生命供应 | 罗马十二章二节说到变化,照着圣经,新陈代谢的改变称为变化。在变化的过程中,当基督的生命加到我们这人里面。祂那生机且满了“维生素”的生命,渗透我们这人时,属灵、化学的化合物就形成。这就在性质和形状上改变我们的构成。这就是变化。这不是外面的改正或外在的调整;这完全是在我们生机元素里内里新陈代谢的改变,是在生命里并凭着生命,由主灵所施行的改变。(林后三18。)在变化的过程中,神圣的元素作到我们里面。我们研读罗马十二至十六章,若记住这种对变化的正确领会,就会领悟这段话与我们天然观念所引导我们相信的全然不同。 假定某人的脸色很苍白,别人要改变他没有血色的脸色,就给他的皮肤涂上一些颜色。毫无疑问,这产生外面的改变,但这不是生机的改变,生命的改变。人的脸色怎能真实的红润?乃是借着每天将健康的食物,带着必需的生机元素,吸收到他的身体里。因为人的身体是活的生机体,生机的实质一进入其中,借着新陈代谢的过程,就生机的形成化学的化合物。渐渐的,这内里的过程就会改变你的脸色。这改变不是外面的;这是来自里面的改变,由新陈代谢之过程所产生的改变。 十二章二节所说的旨意,乃是要有召会生活。你所买的房子,你所有的工作,你结婚的对象,都应当在于召会生活。甚至你所穿的衣服,也应当在于召会生活。你若与召会生活是对的,就会知道你必须作甚么。一切必须为着召会生活,因为过召会生活是神惟一的旨意。这是美好、可喜悦、并纯全的,并且这是为着身体生活。献上我们的身体,变化我们的魂,并更新我们的心思,都是为着身体生活。(罗马书生命读经,三四六至三四七、三五七页。) | 问答: | 1、 什么是变化?(参读罗 十二2注4。) 2、 我们如何经历变化?(参读 罗十二2注3。) 3、 我们该如何回应神的怜恤?(参读 罗十二1注4。) | A Poor Tree with Better Grafted | Let's Pray: | Lord, be one spirit with us, that we would see this organic union. Release the riches in Your word in a most definite way that all of us would be supplied! | | This the secret nature hideth, Harvest grows from buried grain; A poor tree with better grafted, Richer, sweeter life doth gain. Oh! It is so sweet to die with Christ, To the world, and self, and sin; Oh! It is so sweet to live with Christ, As He lives and reigns within. | Today's Verses and Footnotes: Rom 16:17-27 | Key Verses: | Rom 12:2 Rom 11:17 2 Cor 3:18 | And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind … But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a fellow partaker of the root of fatness of the olive tree, But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.. | Life Supply: | Suppose that a person has a very pale complexion and that someone else, wishing to change his colorless complexion, applies some coloring to his skin. This, no doubt, produces an outward change, but it is not an organic change, a change in life. How then can a person truly have a colorful face? By daily absorbing into his body healthy food with the necessary organic elements. Because your body is a living organism, when an organic substance enters into it a chemical compound is formed organically by the process of metabolism. Gradually this inward process will change the coloration of your face. This change is not outward; it is a change from within, a change resulting from the process of metabolism. According to the Bible, this metabolic change is termed transformation. In the process of transformation the life of Christ is added to our being. When His life, which is organic and filled with vitamins, permeates our being, a spiritual, chemical compound is formed. This changes our constitution both in nature and in form. This is transformation. It is not outward correction or external adjustment. It is absolutely an inward metabolic change in our organic element, a change in life and with life by the Lord Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18). In the process of transformation the divine element is wrought into us. If we keep in mind this proper understanding of transformation as we approach Romans 12 through 16, we shall realize that this portion of the Word is altogether different from what our natural concept would lead us to believe it is. The will mentioned in 12:2 is to have the church life. The house that you purchase, the job that you have, and the person that you marry should all depend on the church life. Even the clothes that you wear should depend on the church life. If you are right with the church life, you will know what you must do. Everything must be for the church life, for to have the church life is the unique will of God. This is good, well-pleasing, and perfect. And this is for the Body life. The presenting of our bodies, the transforming of our souls, and the renewing of our minds are all for the Body life. (Life-Study of Romans, pp.293-294, 302) | Tomorrow: We Have Become the Branches of the True Vine | Welcome to Our Recovery Version Bible Study Group This Week: | Time: | Place: | Person to Contact: | Telephone: | |