| 我们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭 |
| 我们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭 林后 6章2节 | 6:2 | 因为祂说,“在悦纳的时候,我应允了你;在拯救的日子,我济助了你。”看哪,现在正是1最可蒙悦纳的时候;看哪,现在正是2拯救的日子。 | 6章2节 注1 | 指我们与神和好、蒙祂悦纳的时候。 | 请我们先祷告 | 主啊,赦免我们,我们还是非常受玷污,我们需要你的洁净!赦免我们,并洁净我们,使我们能维持与你的交通! | 今日经节及注解 林后六1~七7 | 重点经节: | 林后6:14 | 你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合伙?光对黑暗有什么交通? | 填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) | 在林后六章十四节,“不配的”意相异的,指在( 种类) 上不同。这是指申命记二十二章十节所说,两种不同的动物不可同负( 一轭) 。信徒和不信者是不同的人。因着信徒神圣的性情和圣别的( 地位) ,他们不该跟不信者同负一轭。这不只该应用在信徒与不信者之间的( 婚姻) 和事业上,也该应用在他们各种亲密的关系上。因此,使徒劝他们不要跟不信者( 不配的) 同负一轭,乃要( 分别) 出来,使他们被带回,与神完全和好。(参林后六14注2) | Do Not Become Dissimilarly Yoked with Unbelievers | Let's Pray: | O Lord, forgive us. We are still quite contaminated. We need Your cleansing. Forgive us and cleanse us that we might be kept in the fellowship with You. | Today's Verses and Footnotes: 2 Cor 6:1-7:7 | Key Verse: | | Do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) | In 2 Cor. 6:14, Dissimilarly means diversely, implying a difference in (kind). This refers to Deut. 22:10, which forbids the (yoking) together of two dissimilar animals. Believers and unbelievers are diverse peoples. Because of their divine nature and holy (standing), the believers should not be yoked together with the unbelievers. This should be applied to all intimate relationships between believers and unbelievers, not only to (marriage) and business. Hence, the apostle exhorted them not to be (dissimilarly) yoked with unbelievers but to be (separated) that they might be fully reconciled, brought back, to God. (See 2 Cor 6:14 note 2) | Tomorrow: We Abound in This Grace Also | |