| 等候耶稣基督之荣耀的显现 |
| 等候耶稣基督之荣耀的显现 多 2章1节 | 2:1 | 至于你,要讲那合乎1健康教训的话。 | 2章1节 注1 | 见提前一10注1。健康的教训总是照着信仰(一13)的真理,(一14,)乃是使徒教训的内容,也是神新约经纶的内容;不仅供应信徒生命的供应,医治属灵的疾病,而且这样作也将召会带进良好秩序的健康光景中。因此,在提前、提后、提多这三卷对付召会混乱和败落的书信里,非常强调健康的教训。 | | 请我们先祷告 | 主,求你再向我们显现,再对我们说话,再把你话语中的奥秘释放出来,把你自己向我们开启。我们每一位都向你敞开,都愿意对你说,主耶稣,我们爱你! | 今日经节及注解 多二1~15 | 重点经节: | 多2:13 | 等候那有福的盼望,就是至大的神和我们的救主,耶稣基督之荣耀的显现。 | 填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) | 在提多二章十三节,那(有福)的盼望,乃是基督在祂荣耀里的(显现)。基督的显现要带我们进入完满的(儿子名分),就是我们的(得赎),使我们得享神儿女之荣耀的(自由),我们得救乃是为此。(罗八21~25。)这就是永远生命的(盼望),永远福分的(盼望),在三一神永远的生命里有福的盼望;保罗成为使徒就是基于这盼望。(参多二13注2) | Awaiting the Appearing of the Glory of Jesus Christ | Let's Pray: | Lord, reveal Yourself to us here once more. Speak to us again, and release the mystery in Your word. Open Yourself up to us. We would all say, "Lord, Jesus, we love You." | Today's Verses and Footnotes: Titus 2:1-15 | Key Verse: | Titus 2:13 | Awaiting the blessed hope, even the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) | The (blessed) hope is the (appearing) of Christ in His glory. The appearing of Christ will bring us into full (sonship), i.e., the (redemption) of our body, that we may enjoy the (freedom) of the glory of the children of God, for which we were saved (Rom. 8:21-25). This is the (hope) of eternal life, a (hope) of eternal blessing, a blessed hope in the eternal life of the Triune God, based on which Paul became an apostle. (See Titus 2:13 note 2) | Tomorrow: The Washing of Regeneration and the Renewing of the Holy Spirit | 健康的教训 认罪与和好 重生的洗涤和圣灵的更新 来,就得着!- 佘弟兄受浸了! |