| 得胜的,我也绝不从生命册上涂抹他的名 |
| 得胜的,我也绝不从生命册上涂抹他的名
主向寻求祂的人隐密的显现, 要像贼一样临到
启 3章1节 | 3:1 | 你要写信给在1撒狄的召会的使者,说,那有神的2七灵和2七星的,这样说,我知道你的行为,按3名你是活的,其实是死的。 | 3章1节 注 | 原文意余数,余剩者或恢复。就表号说,在撒狄的召会预表从改教至基督再来时的更正教。改教运动是神对背道罗马天主教(由堕落的推雅推喇召会所表征)的反应。改教是由少数余剩的信徒完成的,因此是余剩者所带进的恢复。
许多人认为改革的更正教是活的,主却说她是死的。因此在她死的情形中,她需要活的灵和发亮的星。 | |
启 3章5节 | 3:5 | 1得胜的,必这样2穿白衣;我也绝不3从生命4册上涂抹他的名,并且要在我父面前,和我父的众使者面前,5承认他的名。 | 3章5节 注1 | 这里的得胜,是指胜过更正教死的光景,即胜过死的更正教。 |
启 3章3节 | 3:3 | 所以要回想你是怎样领受,怎样听见的,又要遵守,并要悔改。若不儆醒,我必临到你那里如同1贼一样。我几时临到,你也绝不能知道。 | 3章3节 注1 | 贼是在人不知道的时候,来偷取贵重的物品。改革的更正教既是死的,就不会察觉主向寻求祂的人隐密的显现,要像贼一样临到,因此需要儆醒。 | |
请我们先祷告 | 主,我们愿意在这个世代中,作你的得胜者,与你同行,与你同活,与你同工,好结束这个世代,带进国度时代。这就是你所盼望的,你所要得着的! | 今日经节及注解: 启三1~6 | 重点经节: | 启3:5 | 得胜的,必这样穿白衣;我也绝不从生命册上涂抹他的名,并且要在我父面前,和我父的众使者面前,承认他的名。 | 填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) | 启示录三章五节全是主给得胜者的(应许),要成就于主回来之后的(千年)国。从生命册上(涂抹)他的名,指明那名已经记在生命册上。生命册是(神圣)的名册,其上记录那些有分于神所预备之福的人。凡神所(拣选),并预定要有分于这些福分的圣徒,名字都记在这册上。(路十20。)这些福分分三个时期:(一)(召会),(二)(千年国),(三)(永世)。(参启三5注3) | He Who Overcomes, I Shall by no Means Erase His Name out of the Book of Life | Let's Pray: | We want to be Your overcomers in this generation, to walk with You, to live together with You, and to work together with You so that we can bring in the kingdom age. | Today's Verses and Footnotes: Rev. 3:1-6 | Key Verse: | Rev. 3:5 | He who overcomes will be clothed thus, in white garments, and I shall by no means erase his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. | Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) | The entire verse is the Lord's (promise) to the overcomers. It will be fulfilled in the (millennial) kingdom after the Lord comes back. That a name is (erased) out of the book of life indicates that that name has already been written in the book of life. The book of life is a (divine) record of the names of those who partake of the blessings that God has prepared for them. The names of all the saints (chosen) by God and predestinated to partake of these blessings are written in this book (Luke 10:20). These blessings are in three stages: (1) in the (church), (2) in the (millennial) (kingdom), and (3) in (eternity). (See Rev. 3:5 note 3) | Tomorrow: Having Kept My Word and Have not Denied My Name |
众地方召会 |