| 创世结晶026-神按着自己的形像样式造人_5 |
林前十五 45『经上也是这样记著:『首先的人亚当成了活的魂』;末后的亚当成了
西一 15『爱子是那不能看见之神的像,是一切受造之物的首生者。』
使人类能团体的彰显神(圣经恢复本,创一 26 注 4)。
圣经中的头一个人亚当,乃是那以后要来者─基督的豫像(罗五 14)。亚当是
亚当是按著神的形像,照著神的样式造的(创一 26),这豫表基督有神的形像
但基督,神荣耀的光辉,神本质的印像(来一 3),乃是他的像,彰显他的所是。
亚当受造之后,神要他管理海里、空中和地上一切受造的活物(创一 26、28)。
所以他成了众人的头。这豫表基督是各人的头(林前十一 3)(真理课程三级卷一,
1 Cor. 15:45 "So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living
soul”; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit."
Col. 1:15 "Who is the image of the invisible God, the Firstborn of all creation.
The pronouns them [in Genesis 1:26-28] and their in 5:2 indicate that
Adam was a corporate man, a collective man, including all mankind. God did
not create many men; He created mankind collectively in one person, Adam.
God created such a corporate man in His image and according to His likeness
so that mankind might express God corporately. (Gen. 1:26, footnote 4)
On the sixth day God created the cattle and the beasts of the earth.
This is the life that can do something for man. The life of a dog is much
stronger than that of a fish. Then there is the highest life among the creatures,
which is the human life. This is a life that not only can live in death,
be transcendent, work for God, and do the will of God but also can express
and represent God. This is a life with the image of God and the authority
of God. It is at this point that God rested.
The completion of God's work is a life with His image and His authority.
We may have thought that God rested because He had finished His work. But
as long as there is not a life with the image and authority of God, there
is no rest for God. (The Central Thought of God, p. 17)
In the Bible Adam as the first man is a type of the Christ who was to
come (Rom. 5:14). As a type of Christ, Adam prefigured Christ. Whatever
purpose God had for Adam and whatever work He did in Adam were to be carried
out in and through Christ.
In God's creation Adam was the center of all creation. God
first man is a type of the Christ who was to come (Rom. 5:14). As a type
of Christ, Adam prefigured Christ. Whatever purpose God had for Adam and
whatever work He did in Adam were to be carried out in and through Christ.In
God's creation Adam was the center of all creation. God first established
the heavens and prepared the earth, and then He created man. He first made
the light, the expanse, and the land, and then He created the grass, the
herbs, the trees, the fish, the birds, the cattle, the beasts, and the creeping
things. Eventually, He created Adam. Thus we see that the heavens are for
the earth, and the earth with the different kinds of living things is for
man. Therefore, man is the center of God's creation. This is a type of Christ
as the real center of God's creation, because in Him, through Him, and unto
Him all things were created, the things in the heavens and on the earth,
the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, lordships, rulers, or authorities.
Adam was created as the head of the human race, and the human race was
the center of God's creation. Therefore, Adam was the head of God's creation. This is a type
of Christ as the Head of all God's creation.
Adam was created in God's image and according to God's likeness (Gen. 1:26).
This typifies that Christ bears God's image and likeness. Colossians 1:15
says that Christ “is the image of the invisible God.” God is invisible.
But Christ, who is the effulgence of His glory and the impress of His substance
(Heb. 1:3), is His image, expressing what He is.
After the creation of Adam, God wanted man to have dominion over all
the living created things in the seas, in the air, and on the earth (Gen.
1:26, 28). God wanted the man whom He had created to be His representative
to execute His authority and rule for Him on the earth. Therefore, man was
not only created to express God but also given the authority to represent
God to rule over all. This is a type of Christ as God's expression and also
as God's representative. Christ as God's Anointed was anointed and commissioned
by God for the carrying out of God's purpose in dealing with God's enemy
to recover the enemy-usurped earth and bring in God's authority.
Adam was the first ancestor of the human race. When he was created,
the entire human race, which was included in him, was created by God (Gen.
1:26). Thus, he became the head of all men. This is a type of Christ as
the head of every man (1 Cor. 11:3). (Truth Lessons─Level Three, vol. 1,
pp. 19-21)
Further Reading: The Central Thought of God, chs. 1-2; Truth Lessons─
Level Three, vol. 1, lsn. 2
- 未完待续
创世记结晶读经(二十四): 耶稣是神来作人_第一位神人
创世记结晶读经(二二): 神在基督里复制我们成神人