生命的经历(四): 圣徒们平面的相交
经上约壹一2~3 , 说:"
徒二42 他们都坚定持续在使徒的教训和交通里…。
利十四17 将手掌里所剩的油抹些在那求洁净之人的右耳垂上,和右手的大拇指上,并右脚的大拇指上,就是抹在赎愆祭牲的血上。
太十六24 於是耶稣对门徒说,若有人要跟从我,就当否认己,背起他的十字架,并跟从我。
English Version
1 John 1:2-3 "(...We have seen and testify and report to you
the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us); that
which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have
fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His
Son Jesus Christ."
Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and
the fellowship of the apostles..."
Lev. 14:17 "And from the rest of the oil that is in the palm
of his hand the priest shall put some on the lobe of the right ear of the one
who is to be cleansed and some on the thumb of his right hand and some on the
big toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering."
Matt. 16:24 "...If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow Me."
Just as the current of electricity is the electricity itself, the
fellowship of the divine life, the flow of the divine life, is the divine life
itself....Similarly, our Christian life is a life of the fellowship of the
divine life. The New Testament reveals that the Christian meeting, the
Christian married life, and the Christian work are just the divine fellowship. The
divine fellowship is everything in the Christian life. Those who were saved in
Acts 2 were brought into and continued steadfastly in the apostles’ fellowship
(v. 42). (The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man, p. 154)
Today's Reading
The apostles wanted to have fellowship with the believers;
this is horizontal fellowship. Then the apostles stated that their fellowship
was with the Triune God; this is vertical fellowship [1 John 1:2-3]. The
vertical fellowship brings us into the horizontal fellowship. The horizontal
fellowship then brings us into the vertical fellowship on a larger scale. This
larger scale of fellowship is the meetings....All the functioning in the
meetings should be an expression of the divine fellowship. To prophesy is an
expression of this fellowship....The entire meeting should be a fellowship. We
should be vertically fellowshipping with the Lord and, at the same time, be
horizontally fellowshipping with one another.
Eventually, in this divine fellowship God is
interwoven with us. This interweaving is the mingling of God with man. All of
the meetings should be an interwoven fellowship with both the vertical and
horizontal aspects.Our married life should also be an interwoven fellowship.
The husband and the wife should not only be interwoven with each other but also
with the Lord. The real Christian marriage should be the divine fellowship. Our
coordination and work together should also be the divine fellowship.
We must realize that when fellowship disappears,
God also disappears.God comes as the fellowship. Today our meetings, our
married life, the coordination among the co-workers, and the fellowship among
the local churches are abnormal because we are short of this fellowship. Today
there is not enough fellowship among the local churches, and the churches are
not absolutely one in the fellowship.
The divine fellowship is everything in the
Christian life. The apostle Paul lived in this fellowship. When we live in the
divine fellowship, our Christian life becomes very living, active, and full of
impact. We need to fully enter into the experience of the divine fellowship in
its two aspects by the two spirits.
In our experience, however, there are always
frustrations and obstacles between us and God. There are many obstacles to the
divine fellowship in its vertical and horizontal aspects. What is needed to
deal with these obstacles? In the whole universe, there is only one thing which
takes away all the obstacles between us and God—the cross.
Without the cross, our fellowship is
superficial. The cross of death deepens our fellowship, and the Spirit’s breath
as the resurrection uplifts our fellowship. Fellowship frees us from our sinful
self through the cross. Without the cross, there is no release, freedom, or
liberty from the self....Without the Spirit and the cross, we cannot have real
The first line of [Hymns], #279 says, “First the
blood, and then the ointment.” The blood is a strong sign of the cross, and the
ointment is a type of the all-inclusive, compound Spirit. These two elements
are mentioned in Leviticus 14:6-10, 14-18. (The Triune God to Be Life to the
Tripartite Man, pp.154-155, 158-159)
In Leviticus 14:6-10, 14-18...we are told that a leper is to
be cleansed firstly by the blood. The blood is the base. Then upon the base of
the blood,the oil, the ointment, is applied. The blood and the ointment are
applied to the lobe of the leper’s right ear, to the thumb of his right hand,
and to the big toe of his right foot. The ear signifies our hearing, the hand
signifies our working, and the foot signifies our walking. Our hearing is a big
problem.We are troubled because we listen to many negative things. Because this
sinful, our ear, our hearing, needs the blood. In a sense, it is good for us to
be “deaf” to many things. Our working and walking also need the cleansing of
the blood.
Because we are wrong in our hearing, working,
and walking, we are lepers.Because we are lepers, we need to first be cleansed
by Christ’s redeeming blood. Then upon the blood we need the anointing oil. The
anointing oil with the blood consummates our cleansing. Consummately, our
cleansing is by the divine fellowship of the Spirit based upon the cleansing
blood of Christ.(The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man, p. 159)
Today's Reading
The divine fellowship is the dispensing of the
Triune God into us,the tripartite men, making us and God one. Actually, this
oneness is the fellowship. The Greek word for fellowship, koinonia, means joint
participation, and this joint participation issues in oneness. When a husband
participates in his wife and his wife participates in him, they are
one.Actually, fellowship is just oneness. When God is fellowshipping with
us,and when we are fellowshipping with God, that makes God and us one. In the
whole universe, there is a big oneness, and this big oneness is the divine
fellowship. We, the tripartite men, are one with the Triune God. In John 17 the
Lord prayed, “That they may be one, even as We are one” (v. 22b). The
Lord’s desire is to make us all one like the Father, the Son, and the Spirit
are one. The church’s oneness is a part of the divine oneness of the Divine
Trinity. Eventually, the church and the Divine Trinity are one in fellowship.
Because there is an obstacle within you toward
another brother, your fellowship with him is not that thorough. We may avoid
contact with certain saints because of the obstacles within us to the divine
fellowship. Our fellowship is not thorough and obstacles remain within us
because we do not have the cross in our experience.
The cross brings Christ to us. I have been
crucified with Christ,and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. This is the
cross. Christ lives in me as patience. He lives in me as all the human virtues,
are considered by others as ethics. We need Christ, but without the experience
of the cross, we cannot experience Christ. Hymns, #631 says, “If no death, no
life.” This means, “If no cross, no Christ.” Furthermore, “If no Christ, no
Spirit, and if no Spirit, no fellowship.” This is why the cross is
needed....[In Matthew 16:24] the Lord used the words his cross. There is a
particular portion of the cross for each one of us to cross each one of us out.
The cross is mainly for dealing with ourselves.
The Lord said that if we desire to follow Him, we must deny ourselves and take
up our cross. Actually, to bear the cross is to deny the self, to put the self
to death, to apply the cross of Christ to the self all the time. If we have a
strong self and are offended by
everything and by everyone, we cannot have real fellowship. In order for us to
have the horizontal fellowship, we need to deny ourselves. To deny ourselves
means to be senseless about ourselves. Then we can never be offended. We need
the experience of the cross to deepen our experience of the divine
fellowship. (The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man, pp. 159-161, 163)
Further Reading: The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man,
ch. 18 , ch. 19
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