罗五 19『藉著一人的悖逆,多人构成了罪人,照样,藉著一人的顺从,多人也要构成义的了。』弗二 15『在他的肉体里,废掉了那规条中诫命的律法,好把两下在他自己里面,创造成一个新人,成就了和平。』
我们要看见一个新人,就需要对旧人有正确的认识。保罗在劝勉我们穿上新人之前,告诉我们要脱去旧人(四 22)。神创造天地之后,创造了人,但不是个别的人,乃是一个集合体。创世记一章二十六节说到人,同时用了单数和复数:『神说,我们要按著我们的形像,照著我们的样式造人〔单数〕,使他们〔复数〕管理…。』这启示神的目的总是要得著一个集体的人。神所造的团体人,因著人堕落受了破坏。神现在需要得著一个新人。为要产生这个新人,基督不仅要对付罪、旧人的堕落天性、撒但和世界,而且正如我们所指出的,他还要废掉规条。最拦阻神得著新人的,乃是规条。基督钉在十字架上时,不仅我们的罪、我们的旧人、撒但和世界都钉在十字架上,一切的规条也都钉在十字架上。规条被钉在十字架上,不是为著赦免、圣别、胜过撒但或分赐生命,乃是完全为著创造一个新人。
Rom. 5:19 "For just as through
the disobedience of one man the many were constituted sinners, so also through
the obedience of the One the many will be constituted righteous."
Eph. 2:15 "Abolishing in His
flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, that He mightcreate the two in
Himself into one new man, so making peace."
First Corinthians 15:47 says, "The first man is out of the earth,
earthy; the second man is out of heaven." Christ is not only the last Adam
but also the second man. The first Adam is the beginning of the old man in the
old creation; the last Adam is the ending, the termination of the old man in
the old creation.
As the first man, Adam is the head of the old creation, representing it
in creation. As the second man, Christ is Head of the new creation,
representing it in resurrection. In the entire universe there are these two
men: the first man Adam, including all his descendants, and the second man
Christ, comprised of all His believers. We believers were included in the first
man by birth, and we became a part of the second man by regeneration. Our
belief has transferred us out of the first man into the second. As a part of
the first man, our origin is the earth, and our nature is earthy. As a part of
the second man, our origin is God, and our nature is heavenly. (The Divine
Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, p. 72)
We must go on to see the crucial importance of Christ's abolishing the
law of the commandments in ordinances in order to create us into one new man.
The fact that the Jews and the Gentiles have been created into one new
man indicates that the new man is an entity that is corporate and universal.
There are many believers, but there is just one new man. All the believers are
part of this one corporate and universal new man. The highest revelation of the
church given in the book of Ephesians is that of the new man.
To be regenerated is not only to be saved; it is also to be created
anew. On the cross Christ abolished the ordinances so that a re-creation could
take place. The Jews and the Gentiles were separated by ordinances. But the two
peoples have been created in Christ with the divine essence into one new
entity, the corporate new man.
In order to see the one new man, we need to have a proper understanding
of the old man. Before exhorting us to put on the new man, Paul tells us to put
off the old man (Eph. 4:22). After creating heaven and earth, God created man,
not merely as an individual, but as a collective entity. Genesis 1:26 speaks of
man both in the singular and in the plural: “And God said, Let Us make man in
Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion....” This
reveals that God's intention has always been to have one collective man. The
corporate man created by God was damaged through the fall, and there is now the
need for God to have a new man. In order to produce this new man, Christ had to
deal not only with sin, the fallen nature of the old man, Satan, and the world,
but as we have pointed out, He also had to abolish the ordinances. What most
frustrates God from gaining the new man is ordinances. When Christ was
crucified on the cross, our sins, our old man, Satan, and the world were not
the only things crucified; all the ordinances were crucified also. The
crucifixion of the ordinances was not for forgiveness, holiness, victory over
Satan, or the imparting of life; rather, it was absolutely for the creation of
the one new man.
We are familiar with such verses as John 1:1 and 3:16, but we are not
familiar with Ephesians 2:15....When Christ's flesh was nailed to the cross, He
abolished the law of the commandments in ordinances so that He might create the
two, the Jews and Gentiles, in Himself into one new man. (Life-study of
Ephesians, pp. 654, 207-208)
Further Reading: The One New Man, chs. 3-5; Life-study of Ephesians,
msgs. 23-25
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