二〇一三年夏季訓練 創世記結晶讀經(一)
讀經:創一1,啓四11,約一3,來一2,十一3,啓三14,西一15 ~ 17
3時間開始於宇宙的創造,繼續直到白色大寶座前末了的審判—啓二十11 ~ 15。
4 時間乃是爲着完成神在已過永遠裏,爲着將來的永遠所立的永遠定旨—弗三11。
7 神是三一神;創造的那一位乃是三一神。
11 神創造的動機是要完成祂的心願,滿足祂的喜悅—弗一5、9。
12 神創造的定旨是要榮耀祂的兒子,並且特別要在人身上,藉着神的兒子彰顯神自己;神的兒子乃是神的具體化身以及神的形像,彰顯—西一15 ~19,二9,詩十九1 ~ 2,羅一20,提前三16。
13 『你創造了萬有,並且萬有是因你的旨意存在並被創造的』—啓四11:
14神創造之工的根據乃是神的旨意與計畫—弗一9 ~ 10:
1 5神有一個旨意,按着這旨意祂有了計畫—三11。
16 照着祂的旨意與計畫,祂就創造了萬有—9
17 神的旨意(意願)乃是神的願望;神的意願是祂所想要作的—一9:
18 神的喜悅是出於神的意願;祂的喜悅具體表現在祂的意願裏,所以祂的意願在先—5
19 神的旨意乃是神爲完成祂定旨而有的定意—11
20 神是一位有定旨的神,有祂自己喜悅的旨意;祂爲着自己的旨意,創造了萬有,好成就並完成祂的定旨—啓四11,弗三9 ~ 11,西一9:
21 神的旨意就是祂心頭的願望,是祂與人的調和,也是祂永遠計畫的完成—弗一5、9、11,五17。
22 神的旨意是要爲基督得着一個身體,作祂的豐滿,祂的彰顯—羅十二2、5,弗一5、9、11、22 ~23。
23 神創造諸天與地,開始實施神永遠的計畫,以完成神的心意,使祂在宇宙中在人身上得着完滿的彰顯—創一1,弗三11、21。
24 我們需要充分認識神的旨意—西一9:
25 歌羅西一章九節裏神的旨意是指神永遠定旨的意願,神關於基督之經綸的意願—弗一5、9、11。
27 『萬物是藉着祂[
28 雖然創造是神的工作,但神創造的憑藉乃是神的兒子和神的話—西一15 ~ 16,來一2,十一3,約一3,詩三三6、9。
29 因着神是萬有的創造者,而基督就是神,所以基督是萬有的創造者,並且萬物也是藉着祂成的—來一10,詩一〇二25。
30 我們在約翰一章三節看見,萬物是藉着基督這話而成的:
31 萬物是藉着祂成的,沒有一樣不是藉着祂成的,這意思就是離了祂,沒有一樣能存在—3
32 創造就是藉着話稱無爲有;話乃是憑藉和範圍—羅四17,來十一3,約一3。
33 藉着基督作話,就是憑藉,萬物產生了;所以,基督是創造者,也是萬物憑以並藉以被造的憑藉—來一10,約一3。
34 基督『用祂大能的話維持、載着並推動萬有』—來一3:
35 在創造萬有以後,基督成了維持、載着並推動萬有者;祂不僅是創造者和創造的憑藉,也是維持、載着並推動者。
36 祂創造了宇宙,如今用祂大能的話維持、載着並推動宇宙。
37 基督是『神創造之物的元始』;這是指主乃是神創造之物的起源或根源,含示祂是神工作中不變永存的根源—啓三14。
38 『萬有,無論是在諸天之上的、在地上的…,都是在祂裏面造的;萬有都是藉着祂並爲着祂造的;…萬有也在祂裏面得以維繫』—西一16 ~ 17:
39 『在祂裏面』,指在基督人位的能力裏—16節:
40 萬有都是在基督所是的能力裏被造的。
44 『在裏面』、『藉着』並『爲着』,指明基督與創造有主觀的關聯—16
45 祂不是僅僅作客觀的創造者,客觀的創造宇宙。
46 基督不是站在一旁,稱一切爲有;反之,創造的過程乃是在祂人位的能力裏進行的;基督是宇宙中獨一的能力。
47 祂不僅僅是客觀的創造者,也是創造藉以依次完成的主觀憑藉。
48 創造是憑基督人位的能力,藉祂爲主動的憑藉,並歸於祂這目標。
49 『萬有也在祂裏面得以維繫』,意指萬有靠着基督作聯繫的中心,得以維繫,互相結合一起,如同輪子的輪輻靠着輪軸作中心,得以聯繫在一起—17節。
50 『一切受造之物的首生者』,是指基督在一切受造之物中居首位,因爲基督在萬有中居首位—15
2013 Summer Training
Crystallization-Study of GENESIS (1)
Creation in Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose
Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4:11; John 1:3; Heb. 1:2; 11:3; Rev.3:14; Col.
I. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—Gen.
A. Beginning here refers to the beginning of time—cf. John 1:1:
1. Time began at the creation of the universe and continues until the final
judgment at the
great white throne—Rev. 20:11-15.
2. Time is for the accomplishing of God’s eternal purpose, which God made in
eternity past for
eternity future—Eph. 3:11.
B. The Hebrew word for God in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim, meaning “the Mighty One”;
the Hebrew
name here is plural, but the verb created is
singular; this is a seed of the Trinity:
1. God is one, but He is also three—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—Isa.
45:5;1 Cor. 8:4; 1
Tim. 2:5; Matt. 28:19.
2. God is the Triune God; it was the Triune God who created.
C. God is the unique Creator; only God can create—Mark 13:19; Eph.3:9; Rev.
1. The word created in Genesis 1:1 means to bring something into existence out
of nothing.
2. God is the One “who made the world and all things in it” (Acts 17:24); He is
“the living God,
who made heaven and earth and the sea and all things
in them” (14:15).
D. The motive of God’s creation was to fulfill God’s desire and to satisfy His
good pleasure—Eph.
1:5, 9.
E. The purpose of God’s creation is to glorify the Son of God and to manifest
God Himself,
especially in man through His Son, who is the
embodiment of God and the image, the
expression, of God—Col. 1:15-19; 2:9; Psa. 19:1-2;
Rom. 1:20;1 Tim. 3:16.
II. “You have created all things, and because of Your will they were, and were
A. The basis of God’s work in creation was God’s will and plan—Eph.1:9-10:
1. God has a will, and according to this will, He conceived His plan—3:11.
2. According to His will and plan, He created all things—v. 9.
B. God’s will is God’s wish; God’s will is what He wants to do—1:9:
1. God’s good pleasure is of God’s will; His good pleasure is embodied in His
will,so His will comes
first—v. 5.
2. God’s will is His determination for the carrying out of His purpose—v. 11;
1Cor. 1:1.
C. God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure, and He created
all things for His
will so that He might accomplish and fulfill His
purpose—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 3:9-11; Col. 1:9:
1. God’s will is His heart’s desire, His mingling with man, and the fulfillment
of His eternal
plan—Eph. 1:5, 9, 11; 5:17.
2. The will of God is to obtain a Body for Christ to be His fullness, His
expression—Rom. 12:2, 5;
Eph. 1:5, 9, 11, 22-23.
3. God’s creation of the heavens and of the earth began the fulfillment of His
eternal plan to
carry out His intention to have a full expression in
man in the universe —Gen. 1:1; Eph. 3:11,
D. We need to be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will—Col. 1:9:
1. God’s will in Colossians 1:9 is His will regarding His eternal purpose,
regarding His economy
concerning Christ—Eph. 1:5, 9, 11.
2. To have the full knowledge of God’s will is to have the revelation of God’s
plan so that we may
know what God plans to do in the universe—Rev. 4:11.
III. “All things came into being through Him [the Word], and apart from Him not
one thing
came into being which has come into
being”—John 1:3:
A. Although creation was God’s work, the means of His creation were the Son of
God and the
Word of God—Col. 1:15-16; Heb. 1:2; 11:3;John 1:3;
Psa. 33:6, 9.
B. Since God is the Creator of all things and since Christ is God, Christ is
the Creator of all things
and also the means through which all things came into
being—Heb. 1:10; Psa. 102:25.
C. In John 1:3 we see that all things came into being through Christ as the
1. For all things to come into being through Him and for nothing to come into
being apart from
Him means that apart from Him nothing has existence—v. 3.
2. Creation is calling things not being as being through the Word; the Word is
both the means
and the sphere—Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:3; John 1:3.
3. Through Christ as the Word, the means, all things came into being;
therefore, Christ is both
the Creator and the means by which and through which
all things were created—Heb. 1:10;
John 1:3.
D. Christ upholds “all things by the word of His power”—Heb. 1:3:
1. After creating all things, Christ became the Upholder of all things; He is
not only the Creator
and the means of creation but also the Upholder.
2. He created the universe, and now He upholds it by the word of His power.
E. Christ is “the beginning of the creation of God”; this refers to the Lord as
the origin or source
of God’s creation, implying that He is the unchanging and
ever-existing source of God’s
work—Rev. 3:14.
IV. “In Him all things were created, in the heavens and on the earth…; all
things have been
created through Him and unto Him…And all things
cohere in Him”—Col. 1:16-17:
A. In Him means in the power of Christ’s person—v. 16:
1. All things were created in the power of what Christ is.
2. All creation bears the characteristics of Christ’s intrinsic power.
B. Through Him indicates that Christ is the active instrument through which the
creation of all
things was accomplished in sequence—v. 16.
C. Unto Him indicates that Christ is the end of all creation; all things were
created unto Him for
His possession—v. 16.
D. In, through, and unto indicate that Christ is related to creation in a
subjective way—v. 16:
1. He did not create the universe merely in an objective way, as an objective
2. Christ did not stand apart and call everything into being; on the contrary,
the process of
creation took place in the power of His person, the
unique power in the universe.
3. He was not merely an objective Creator but also the subjective instrument
through which
creation was processed.
4. Creation took place in the power of Christ’s person, through Him as the
active instrument,
and unto Him as the goal.
E. All things cohere in Him means that all things cohere, subsist together, in
Christ as the
holding center, just as the spokes of a wheel are held together by
the hub at their center—v.
F. Firstborn of all creation refers to Christ’s preeminence in all creation,
for Christ has the first
place in all things—vv. 15-18.