有没有攀岩英雄朋友?看看这个难度如何? What's that on the dam wall? Look closely! It's one of those things you have to see to believe. 看得到坝壁上的小点吗? This is the Diga del Cingino dam in Italy - Can you see the little dots on the wall? You'll never guess what they are.. 这是意大利Diga del Cingino坝。 YOU'RE KIDDING!    They are European Ibex and they like to eat the moss & lichen growing on the wall. They also are licking the salt off the stone.. Isn't that incredible they can stand at that angle ??? Just when you think you've seen everything!!! 这是 European Ibex. 他们喜欢这里的小草,也喜欢舔石头上的盐。 |