(It was on PBS news.Not sure how successful this would be. 原址:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/breakthrough-radiowave-electrolysis-palmolysis-pure-direct-papadelos 有视频,可惜没有英语的。)
A breakthrough in Radiowave Electrolysis (Palmolysis) for Pure Hydrogen Production and direct energy conversion.Jan 26, 2016

The core of the invention is the production of hydrogen and oxygen (hydroxy) from plain refreshing water from the tap or sea using high frequency electromagnetic pulse (in Terahertz Scale). These pulses have a frequency that "coordinate" the molecule of water, resulting in its decay. Petros Zografos as an excellent electronic Engineer invented a new way to multiply pulses @ 3 phases to achieve a high frequency result and thus discovered a new method of decomposition of molecules of water and hydrogen production: the PALMOLYSIS
For the operation of the device it is required the use of a metal alloy board which is consumed gradually and act as electromagnetic torch. By preliminary estimates the device seen need a Kgr of alloy for producing 1600 normal cubic meters of hydrogen. With energy content of hydrogen equal to 3,5 kWh / Nm ^ 3, the output 1600 Nm ^ 3 cubic meters of hydrogen corresponding to 3,5 x 1600 = 5600 kWh chemical-thermal energy. By using a single generator with a degree of efficiency of 30% with this production we can now produce 1680 kWh of electricity at a cost of metal of around 50 euros that is equal to 50/1680 = 0,03 / kWh compared to 0,19 / kWh currently charged by Hellenic Public Power Company ( PPC)!
Assuming that the energy content of the metal is approximately 22 kWh of thermal energy per kg, this implies that any produced hydrogen cubic need 0,014 kWh heat / Nm ^ 3 for the production of the metal. The modern technology to produce hydrogen by electrolysis takes about 5 to 6 kWh electricity per Nm ^ 3 of hydrogen. Therefore Petros Zografos invented a technology that has virtually eliminate energy consumption, electricity or heat for the hydrogen production. Also transportation of Hydrogen, a major issue, has just found its solution since in a water form is easily transportable everywhere. Direct Conversion follows in a next post. Information Received @: zougla.gr, Petros Zografos, Apostolos Efthymiadis. 附:
Frequency Electrolysis
Novelty: There are disclosed a method and a device destined for water electrolysis and production of hydrogen to be used as combustible by combination of high frequencies produced by semitonic oscillators; when mixed, reinforced and combined, said frequencies contrive to break water into its elements (hydrogen and oxygen) upon influence of the coordination effect. Secondary frequencies configurating the structure of the primary frequencies for obtaining adequately-combined frequencies by means of the respective electronic circuit composed of an isolator, a mixer, a directional coupler, a multiplier, configurators, digital frequency controllers, and linear amplifiers can be introduced with the assistance of adequate main and auxiliary treatment equipments into the primary frequencies produced by the semitonic oscillators. The vibration of water molecules and the breaking thereof into hydrogen and oxygen are obtained by suitably-coordinated frequencies. The gases are, thereafter, separated by special sorting guides while the produced hydrogen is conducted through the respective specific connection to the energy generation mechanism for being used as fuel.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDJh2j-Skds Zougla.gr reportage for the invention of Peter Campus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_DmWEQf7_0 New details about his invention presented by physicist Peter Painter, the show "Yellow Press" with Makis Triantafillopoulos presence of scientists and specialists.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA7UseeKEvM P.. Painter produces electricity from water. The patent yiothetithike the MoD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRwfx2Ktzx8 Special scientific conference for the invention of Peter Campus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaPonbPUQ_I Live hydrogen production demonstration to show Yellow Type
PETROS ZOGRAFOS AND THE ENVIROMENTFor those who do not know the Greek language, I will attempt to summarize the fourth “Good morning Hydrogen!” rendez-vous of Petros Zografos with the viewers of ZOUGLA Web TV, transmitted on May 31, 2016.

Petros Zografos was accompanied by July Kambouri, Environmentalist. Theme of the transmission: “Hydrogen, the fundamental economical and health factor”. Petros Zografos started by clarifying that, in his invention, electromagnetic magnification is used to irradiate water at a power density level sufficient to cause the interaction with a particular alloy, with as a result the production of hydrogen. This magnification is achieved by means of a very high gain multiple element directive antenna. Responding to the question received from a student, George Kiriatzidis, Petros Zografos used the analogy of a focusing lens to explain how magnification is obtained with a high gain directive antenna. In subsequent interventions, Petros Zografos made the following points:

1. Everything in this world depends from energy. Whoever has control of the energy, controls the planet. We are living again the myth of Prometheus, who was punished for having stolen the fire (energy). But no one can prevent the access of people to sea water. 2. Hydrogen technology must become part of the national capital. All countries have, or should have an energy strategy. So must Greece. In a future transmission, we will produce very pure hydrogen right here, and store it in an advanced storage medium in front of a State employee, who will take it for analysis of purity in Greece’s national lab. 3. Hydrogen must be accepted as a fuel. If it is not accepted by current economical interests, as citizens, we must impose it. We cannot cross our hands. This may though cause a crash in the world economical system. 4. It takes time for a patent to be granted, due to a lot of red tape. In her interventions, July Kambouris stressed that: 1. It took an extremely long time for nature to produce hydrocarbons in the earth’s geological strata, but only two centuries to recover the greater part of it. This has caused a tremendous ecological imbalance. The combustion of hydrocarbon fuels produces many toxic materials, of which the most commonly mentioned is carbon dioxide. The over abundance of this gas is responsible for the enlargement in the ozone layer, with as a result causes an increase in the warming of the earth. Sea water evaporation has increased threefold due to its increase in temperature, significantly increasing the atmospheric absorption of solar energy, further exacerbating the planet’s global warming. The effect of water vapor is even greater than that of carbon dioxide. We therefore need a solution that will decrease the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide, without increasing the amount of water vapor. With hydrogen, the combustion product is water, which is not a pollutant. 2. A lot of interests will try to stop the introduction of hydrogen as a fuel. It will be as described by the title of a book appeared in Canada, written by Naomi Lang (?): “Capitalism against Climate”. But the planet is being ruined by fossil fuels, and we need to make this huge step for humanity. The interventions of July Kambouris were supported by evidence in the form of two Euronews videos. From these, it was learnt that: 1. In India, the level of hydrocarbon solids is 10 times higher than the one considered acceptable by the World Health Organization, 2. It is now demonstrated that air pollution causes cancer, and asthma. There is one death per hour caused by the reduction of visibility attributed to atmospheric air pollution. In the EU, 90% of citizens are breathing dangerous air. Other interventions were made by callers, as follows: 1. Stefanos Tsitomeneas, University Professor of Telecommunications and High Frequencies, who reinforced the clarifications given by Petros Zografos on the magnification of electromagnetic wave power density by means of high gain directive antennas. 2. Anastasios Athanasiadis from Sweden, who brought up the issue of proceeds from taxation of fossil fuels as a major obstacle to the conversion into free energy, as a result of Petros Zografos’ invention. In fact, the greatest part of such tax is presently used to pay Greece’s debt. 3. Mr. Papadopoulos, Energy Inspector from Germany, who suggested that products be designed while waiting for patents to be granted, as Germany needs them. 4. Basilis Polimeni, Professor at Aristotelis University in Salonica, who stressed that as a result of the invention of Petros Zografos, Greece could engage in the development of products that add value, thus providing Greece with a diversification beyond the industries of tourism and logistics. He also commented on the fact that, in order to win the forces of resistance, Petros Zografos products will have to be offered at an advantageous price. Petros Zografos concluded the transmission, by thanking ZOUGLA Web TV for making it possible.