Negotiating with the US is a total waste of time. The US only focus on its short term interest. The US will repeal its agreement once it changes its mind, which happens all the time. Its wanton actions even apply to its closest allies. Why waste time negotiating with someone who does not honor his words. Hit him hard and hit him where it hurts most!
美國宣布對中國價值500億美元商品採懲罰性關稅措施後,中國商務部發言人隨即表態,中方將立即出台同等規模、同等力度徵稅措施,雙方先前磋商達成的所有經貿成果將同時失效。 據中國商務部網站,商務部發言人說:「中方並不想打貿易戰,但面對美方損人不利已的短視行為,中方不得不予以強有力回擊,堅決捍衛國家利益和人民利益,堅決捍衛經濟全球化和多邊貿易體制。我們將立即出台同等規模、同等力度的稅措施,雙方此前磋商達成的所有經貿成果將同時失效。」