台灣的瘦肉精議題正反方意見各種辯論。萊克多巴胺ractopamine/瘦肉精,雖然在歐盟跟目前台灣的養豬業禁用,但美國自1999年起,FDA核准只要符合一定標準下是可使用瘦肉精。 所以如果對肉品品質有高要求,或是對這個成分有疑慮的消費者在超市買菜一定要更加注意。 以下開始介紹在美國超市買到不含瘦肉精肉品的方式 1. 最簡單的方式:買Organic肉品!能在包裝上打上Organic標誌的肉品,都是不能添加例如萊克多巴胺ractopamine等生長激素的肉品。而美國最權威也最常見的標誌就是: USDA Organic。這個綠色標章並不是隨便可以打上,所以認準這個標誌就沒錯 
2. 去Whole Foods/Sprouts買,旗下販售肉品都不含瘦肉精已經得到Whole Foods跟Sprouts的官方回應,Whole Foods跟Sprouts所販售肉品皆不含瘦肉精(瘦肉精是Growth Promotent的一種) 
Whole Foods Market販售的肉品,都有Global Animal Partnership Certified Label。除了強調沒有瘦肉精等beta agonist外,更強調:”No antibiotics,” 或”No hormones,” 與人道飼養處理等。 而Whole Food也有較符合亞洲烹調/飲食習慣的(要用Amazon線上訂Whole Foods,必須先加入Prime Member) Pork Belly(五花肉), Pork Bone, Organic Sausage Chicken Liver(雞肝), Chicken Feet(雞爪) Beef Rib, Beef Short Rib(牛小排), Beef Oxtail(牛尾), Beef Shank(牛腱)等大家會比較注重是否是Organic/或含賀爾蒙的肉品選擇。

3. 以下網站有Never Fed Beta Agonists Program,提供一系列Program標準內合格肉商與產品beta adrenergic receptor agonists就是β腎上腺素受體激動劑統稱,萊克多巴胺ractopamine/瘦肉精就是beta adrenergic receptor agonists的一種。 
完整清單請見: 到網址後點紅色方框的位置,就可以看到完整的清單。或是Google 搜尋:Official Listing of Approved Never Fed Beta – Agonists Programs 也可以找到完整PDF 
4. 許多大肉商也宣布旗下肉品禁用瘦肉精Tyson 從02.2020就開始禁用瘦肉精(包含肉品/肉品加工品)
JBS 自2020開始,自行生產與其Supply chain都禁用瘦肉精
Smithfield 自家Farm禁用;Suppliers不一定但得到公關部的回信,Smithfield確認自家Farm不使用瘦肉精,但不能保證來自其他vendors/suppliers的豬肉不含瘦肉精 
5. 在信任的Local Farms購買肉品很多Local Farms都是良心培育農產品與飼養畜牧。可以跟Local Farms確認農場的standards並看情況是否購買。 Photo by Corinna Widmer on
6. 認明以下labelLabel: Animal Welfare Approved by AGW頁面上有很清楚說明:The use of ractopamine (Paylean) is prohibited. 
7. 注意包裝上是否有強調:no ractopamine或是no beta-agonists growth promotant許多包裝上可能會有標注”all natural,” “No antibiotics,” 或”No hormones”,但有幾點侷限是: All natural 其實並沒有統一標準,證明不使用如瘦肉精等食物 “No antibiotics,” 或”No hormones”指的是不含抗生素,不然賀爾蒙,但瘦肉精不屬於這兩種範圍 只能說,如果會強調”No antibiotics,” 或”No hormones”的肉品商,至少肉品品質會比一般都沒有標注的更少非天然物質 必須要認明標示”no ractopamine”或是”no beta-agonists growth promotant”才能確認不含瘦肉精
以下說明來自美國的Consumer Reports  Source: New York Times
新增8. 購買Trader Joe’s 牛肉與家禽肉品以下是Trader Joe’s 回覆,目前Trader Joe’s牛肉與家禽產品皆不含瘦肉精,但部分豬肉產品可能仍含有。Trader Joe’s目前正致力於豬肉產品禁止使用瘦肉精的過程中。 
其他商家/肉商回覆未來其他商家回覆將在以下文章更新 延伸閱讀:持續更新:美國超市是否販售瘦肉精ractopamine肉品?99 Ranch Market大華超市 Costco回覆:有些肉品很有可能使用瘦肉精飼育所以去Costco購買肉品,如果很介意瘦肉精的話還是用文中其他方式辨認(Organic, Brand, 或是看是否出現在Official Listing of Approved Never Fed Beta清單上) 
Summary以上就是在美國買到不含瘦肉精的幾種管道,大家可以視需要與預算需求選購。 歡迎原文章連結(Link)轉發給需要的人,但請勿自行依據內文修改發表文章/影音等,詢問商家與通路都花了很多時間跟心力,希望大家一起支持鼓勵原創:) 歡迎加入FB粉絲團,每週末分享美國生活省錢&稅務知識。 Share this:Like this:
Tags: costcojbsractopamineractopamine 翻譯smithfieldsproutstysonwhole foods瘦肉精瘦肉精英文美國瘦肉精美牛美豬萊牛萊豬超市 31 Responses Ana 09/16/2020 at 2:52 AM
This is a great report! How about Costco? Reply aillynotes 09/16/2020 at 9:06 AM
Hi Ana, Thanks for your reading. I have asked Costco but haven’t got response yet. I will update here once I get more responses.  Reply aillynotes 09/16/2020 at 6:24 PM
Hi Ana, I just got Costco’s reply this afternoon. Please see the article for the response email. Thanks, Ailly Reply
Yu 09/16/2020 at 11:12 AM
謝謝你的健康資訊,請問在美國賣的巴克夏猪(Berkshire)有含瘦肉精嗎?謝謝你! Reply Yu 09/16/2020 at 12:01 PM
請問在美國賣的美國極黑豬是100% 純種巴克夏(BERKSHIRE)有含瘦肉精嗎? 謝謝你! Reply aillynotes 09/24/2020 at 8:47 PM
由於Berkshire是一種品種,具體是否使用還是要看飼養的farm是否使用。大華超市的回覆我放在這一篇:。如果沒有看到很明確的標示,以我個人而言會假定是:有含的。因為1. 美國其實沒有禁止,在特定劑量下使用是完全合法的 2.使用後可以減低生產成本。考量這兩點,我覺得farm/或是肉商會使用是很合理的。 Reply
Chris 09/16/2020 at 2:42 PM
Thank you so much for the research, very helpful! Have you any chance verifying the subject with the Asian markets, like 99 Ranch market, H mart, Mitsuwa marketplace, etc? Reply Roy Yang 09/17/2020 at 6:29 AM
Thank you for your continued efforts. It appears none of your listed USDA Organic meat shall in general be considered second grade meat ? If so, all Taiwan need to do only allows USDA organic grade meat shall resolve to be win-win situation. Reply aillynotes 09/17/2020 at 7:45 AM
The USDA Organic would be the top choice if we care about antibiotics, hormones, and ractopamine. I personally like this idea! Reply
KJ 09/17/2020 at 8:43 AM
Just for reference, in case, you read chinese and are interested. Reply Ruiyu 09/17/2020 at 5:42 PM
Thank you for you efforts which will benefit so many consumers who are concerned about the ractopamine. I am wondering if you had contacted Aldi supermarket or Sprouts about their meat products? Reply teve Ho 09/19/2020 at 4:29 PM
Thanks for your wonderful report. While understanding some markets have confirmed that they do not sell pork containing ractopamine, i am still confused about labelling. Exactly what label tells you that it does not contain ractopamine since it just says generally no homoroes, no antibiotics, etc. Almost the meat from all chinese surpermarkets does have labels. Does that mean their meat mosly likely have ractopamine? Thanks. Steve Reply aillynotes 09/20/2020 at 10:48 AM
Hi Steve, Thanks for your reading and kind words! You can check if it showed “no beta-agonists growth promotant” (ractopamine is one of this promotant). if you do not see any label mentioning “no beta-agonists growth promotant,” it would be more like than not that the meat have ractopamine. Ractopamine is not banned in the U.S. and could actually save costs, so it’s reasonable for farms to use this growth promotant. Reply
Kay Yang 09/29/2020 at 6:23 PM
Thanks for shading this great information. Reply David 11/12/2020 at 12:53 AM
請問有些台灣人說美國牛肉100%都有瘦肉精是否正確?按照您的方式就可買到無瘦肉精牛肉? Reply aillynotes 11/12/2020 at 8:34 AM
Hi David, 謝謝你的留言,美國牛肉不是100%都有瘦肉精,要看購買的通路/廠商,如這篇文章所問到的,如果是organic, 一定不能有瘦肉精,USDA是美國農業部的標準,不能自己想放這個logo就放;文章內提供其他通路/廠商有作出聲明的部分也可以參考;很多都是強調:旗下肉品不准許使用瘦肉精。 Reply aillynotes 11/12/2020 at 9:01 AM
Hi David, 另外Item. 3 的清單也是來自美國農業部官網,公信力也是可以相信的。希望能幫上忙~ Ailly Reply
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