中新社福州莆田11月14日电 (记者 孙贤迅)福建工艺美术大师郑春辉历时近4年创作的大型木雕作品《清明上河图》,14日在吉尼斯世界纪录总部认证官程东的现场见证下,成功创造了一项全新的吉尼斯世界纪录——“世界上最长的木雕”。
郑春辉的木雕《清明上河图》雕刻的木料来自江西,是一棵长13米、最大直径达3.5米、重约30吨的千年“樟木王”。记者一进入大厅便闻到淡淡 的樟木香气,作品采用镂空雕、透雕、浮雕和莆田精微透雕等雕刻技法创作,正面再现宋朝都城汴京的繁华景象,画面中人物,景物惟妙惟肖,立体感强,层次分 明,雕工精致。
What A Man Did With This Tree Trunk Will Blow Your Mind. This Is
What Four Years Of Hard Work Looks Like…
One tree, four years of work and an indescribable amount of
talent: that’s what it took to create this incredible masterpiece. A famous
Chinese wood carver chopped down a single tree and tirelessly worked on it for
over four years to make this piece.
It all started out with a simple tree trunk…
Then Zheng Chunhui, a famous wood carver,
spent over four years creating this masterpiece.
The carving is based on the famous Chinese
painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival.”
The original artwork was created over 1,000
years ago.
The piece won the Guinness World Record for the
longest wooden carving and measures over 40ft (it is 22.86 meters long, is
3.075 meters tall at it highest point, and is also 2.401 meters wide).
The intricate carvings of daily life in ancient
China are so detailed and perfect, they could drop your jaw.
It’s no surprise that this incredible work of
art is drawing so much attention. It’s amazing, but not just because it’s so
big, but also because it’s so incredibly detailed.